Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


Francisco Calderón remembers to the local PP his appointments pending in judicial seat (03/05/2017)

This morning, the spokesman of the Municipal Group MC, Francisco Calderon, has referred to the challenge launched by the local PP so that "the mayor goes to the courts if he has evidence of irregularities."

In this sense, Calderón has reminded Ortega that the PP "has permanent headquarters there. There are many and varied matters related to its management that are investigated in judicial."

"Among them, the mayor continued, and without being 'numerus clausus', there are cases such as Puerta Nueva, Púnica or Novo Carthago, but also others relating to the Perín neighborhood council, the plot of water, in addition to all Those who seem to be on their way to the Auditorio El Batel or the Palacio de los Deportes, "Francisco Calderón said.

The head of the Cartagena formation has referred to "other unclear practices, such as subsidies wrongly justified by Ortega himself, other works commissioned by José Cabezos, including private villas without a license that we do not know where they will end up."

Calderón has concluded that although this succession of cases "should seem little to the local PP, after living with Barreiro and Alonso for almost thirty years, the Cartagena people still remind us more of the Mafia than a group of people with vocation of public service".

Source: MC

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