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Citizens propose the accession of Cartagena to the World Network of Friendly Cities with the Elderly (03/05/2017)

- "The progressive aging of our population is a challenge that we have to face, because in a few years our social structure will be transformed and we must be prepared to plan an integral strategy for this unprecedented population challenge," said the spokesman for Cs Cartagena , Manuel Padín

- According to Citizens, Cartagena has remained outside most of the national networks of collaboration and has missed the opportunity to take advantage of the exchange of knowledge with other cities and want to reverse this situation

The Municipal Group of Citizens has proposed that Cartagena be part of the World Network of Cities and Communities Friendly with the Elderly, a project promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) with the aim of designing and creating services and spaces that facilitate aging Active and healthy.

Since 2012, the Imserso, is the body that coordinates in Spain the promotion of this project.

According to Citizen spokesperson in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, "we have said on some occasions that Cartagena has remained outside most of the national networks of collaboration and has lost the opportunity to take advantage of the exchange of knowledge with other cities and From Citizens we want to reverse this situation with a proposal like the one we will present in the next plenary session. "

Manuel Padín explained that "currently only two municipalities of the Autonomous Community, Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras, are part of the network, the inclusion of Cartagena in this network will, according to the organizers of the network, increase public awareness of this Subject, receive information and technical advice, participate in training spaces through the organization of conferences that facilitate the exchange between the municipalities participating in the network.

In exchange, the Consistory interested in joining the Network undertakes to promote the participation of older people in its territory in the project, make a diagnosis of the situation, make a long-term work plan and describe the phases of its implementation , Follow up and finally present the evaluation of the results.

"In a way with the inclusion of this Network, from Citizens we want to prepare the ground for the City Council to undertake a long-distance plan, a strategy that must be compatible with the Strategy for prevention and health promotion 'presented in the month January by the Ministry of Health, "Manuel Padín reported.

The Citizens spokesperson has recognized the work of the delegate councilor of Social Services and Social Mediation, Maria del Carmen Martín del Amor, "we understand that the Social Services area is working well in this regard, and that the program of activities for seniors And people with disabilities for the months of April, May and June 2017 is satisfactory, but we believe that we can be more ambitious and enrich ourselves with the ideas and activities that are carried out in other Spanish municipalities, and I hope that the Plenary welcomes our initiative"

Life expectancy has risen dramatically worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020, for the first time in history, the age bracket of the over 60s will exceed that of children under 5 years, in 2050, according to WHO, the world's population over 60 years will reach 2 billion, compared to 841 million today.

"The aging of our population is a challenge that we have to face, because in a few years our social structure will be transformed and we must be prepared to plan an integral strategy for this unprecedented population challenge," said Cs Cartagena spokesman.

Network Activity

The first meeting of the year of the Working Group on Friendly Cities with the Elderly was held on 6 April.

The work of this group focused on two points: the development of useful tools and recommendations for the implementation, development and evaluation of the WHO project, and the dissemination and communication strategy of the project in Spain.

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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