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Citizens Cartagena gets that the City supports VIII Regatta Cartagena Carbide Silver-Portman (16/05/2016)

The spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padin, believes that "it is nice to see how, very occasionally, initiatives of citizens in the municipal plenary are executed successfully by this local government, the involvement of the City in sporting events ranks first the attention of the media and attract many visitors should be seen as a good opportunity to get known, attracting tourism race, and reinforce the image of our city "

The VIII Regatta Carbide Plata, to be held next on 27, 28 and 29 May, which is organized by the Yacht Club Portmán and Real Club Regatas Cartagena, with the permission of the Sailing Federation of the Region of Murcia , it has been presented today in the city of Cartagena.

Thus it fulfilled the motion filed by citizens and approved by the municipal plenary session in February 2016 in which the institutional support of the City Council this important sporting event is required.

Spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padin, "from the Municipal Group we seemed incomprehensible how, given the number of public and private entities that work in the test, the local administration had never before participated in it."

For the spokesman orange training, "has been a source of pride to be here today at the presentation of the Carburo Regata de Plata in the city of Cartagena ... is the first time that local government supports this important competition ... Proud, because it was a motion Citizens that requested this institutional support, assistance and promotion of the Consistory for this event, which, remember, also has a supportive character, since the funds raised in this year will go to benefit the association sclerosis multiple of the region of Cartagena. "

According to the spokesman of Citizens Cartagena, Manuel Padin, "this is one of the races more numerous and important, cruise nationwide because they bring together more than eighty boats on the starting line."

As every year, the celebration of the regatta will be accompanied by a series of social events.

Spokesman orange training considers that "to place the municipality of Cartagena in positions of national leadership in nautical tourism, local government should support races such as the Cartagena-Portman, who without subsidies and privileges has been able to get eighty boats competition at the harbor entrance and mobilize about 900 people in the organization of the event. "

According Padin, "the involvement of Ayuntamento in sporting events ranks first attention of the media and attract many visitors should be seen as a good opportunity to get known, attracting tourism race, and reinforce the image of our city" .

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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