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Manuel Padin: "To dismiss the allegations to the budget has been an act of political responsibility" (26/02/2016)

The spokesman for the Orange formation considered "a tremendous inconsistency attitude can Cartagena, trading and welcomes the adoption of budgets one day, and the next day defends allegations against him, another more than difficult test, not impossible which it is to govern with the support of a left that does not live in reality "

Cartagena, Friday 26 February-.

Municipal budgets were approved in plenary in December thanks to the favorable votes of Citizen Movement PSOE and CTSSP-can.

Citizens Cartagena decided to abstain because, according to his spokesman "was not available with this policy at all training, also only they provided us with the document within 48 business hours prior to approval in the Plenary Hall, and as everyone can understand, it is impossible analyze these conditions such a sensitive and important issue, it would have been inconsistent doing anything else that was not abstain ".

Spokesman orange training ensures that "are not the budgets that have wished Citizens, we believe that there are certain deficiencies in social policies and investment for tourism projection, but understand and accept many of them as we remember that we are talking of a municipality intervened by the State for the ailing state of public coffers. "

To Padin, "they are not the only possible budgets, but there is little room for the imagination"

In a dangerous exercise of irresponsibility CTSSP-can, contravening all legal and economic advice of the municipal officers, decided with their vote to admit allegations accounts risk putting the execution thereof.

The spokesman for Citizens considers "a tremendous inconsistency attitude can Cartagena, trading and welcomes the adoption of budgets one day, and the next day supports allegations against him, another more than difficult test, not to say impossible, it is to govern with the support of a left that does not live in reality. "

Citizens Cartagena decided not to overrule the opinions made by legal experts and treasurers of the City of Cartagena and must therefore be rejected allegations, "that's all we have done, listen to the technicians and follow their recommendations," he said Padin also warns of " the disastrous consequences of paralyzing the implementation of the budget at this stage of the legislature "items.

It is not the first time CTSSP_Podemos torpedoed their relationship with the local government, it was they who voted against lowering rates and municipal taxes in October 2015, and only thanks to the favorable vote of Citizens Cartagena could be carried out, " strange bedfellows are those that facilitate your investiture, but paralyzes your government action ".

On the statements of the mayor of Cartagena, Jose Lopez, which states that the implementation of the budget will have to be now agreed with Citizens spokesman orange training is skeptical: "My first and only meeting with the mayor, was before arrived for mayor, there I expressed that I could consider citizens an ally to open the windows to let fresh air and look under carpets of the City Council, we were for that, after this meeting nothing more was heard. Salvo by disagreements during plenary sessions, only seems to want to communicate with this training through the press. If this formation is characterized by something besides their bitter struggle against corruption is for its ability to dialogue, so that if knocks on our door there will be to assist in implementation of effective and positive budgets for cartageneros "

Padin has made clear that the only thing that motivated their support, both to lower the tax ordinance at the beginning of the legislature, as in the dismissal of the allegations to the municipal accounts, has been the political responsibility, "above all is Cartagena and its people, "he said.

Regarding allegations spokeswoman CTSSP-Podemos, Pilar Marcos, which links this decision to the national pact for a government of progress and reforms between PSOE and Citizens Manuel Padin holds "had broken crystal ball when it took place the Finance Committee and Interior; remind everyone that this meeting and our decision is prior to the agreement, the words of Mrs. Marcos could not be more wrong, and I sense that all they seek is easy headline ".

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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