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[Lawyers and Social Services create a working group to promote free legal assistance to the vulnerable (25/01/2021)

| They will collaborate to improve care for people at risk of exclusion through the official shift | The Department of Social Services and the Cartagena Bar Association will strengthen collaboration for the benefit of those who need it most, improving legal assistance in the so-called duty shift.

This was agreed at a meeting by the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Social Services, Noelia Arroyo, and the Dean of the Cartagena Bar Association, Antonio Navarro Selfa. We want to establish collaboration bridges to streamline procedures and have the necessary information to save procedures for people at risk of social exclusion.

As explained by the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Social Services, Noelia Arroyo, “it is about strengthening links of agile and dynamic collaboration between administrations, in this case that of Social Services of our City Council with that of Justice, to grant greater protection , in an agile and safe way, to the most vulnerable ”. The duty shift is a service financed by the State to citizens in order to satisfy their right to judicial protection and to a process with the maximum guarantees of equality and independence, respecting the right to defense, as well as the necessary assistance to initiate a judicial process. In this way, the Department of Social Services will make the tools available to the Bar Association, whether technical and human, so that the referral of cases to the duty shift arrives in the best conditions, saving paperwork and time to those who need it. The details of this collaboration will come out of the joint work table that will begin shortly between both institutions.

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Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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