Portal de Cartagena


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[ADIF puts out to tender the comprehensive rehabilitation of the Cartagena train station (25/01/2021)

| The works, which have a budget of 5,592,792 euros, will affect both the interior and the exterior, transforming it into a modern infrastructure while maintaining the image building feature | The tender for the comprehensive rehabilitation works of the Cartagena train station is already published on the ADIF Contracting Platform.

With the tender for these works, the Ministry of Development complies with one of the commitments acquired with the municipality during the last legislature.  Specifically, the project has a budget of 5,592,792 euros and an execution period of 20 months.

Companies interested in submitting their offers to carry out the works have until February 22, 2021. As stated by the mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, “today we woke up with great news to see that ADIF has already published the tender for the works to rehabilitate our magnificent train station.

With the contracting of these works, the Government of Spain fulfills all the commitments it acquired with Cartagena in terms of heritage during the last legislature, since they have also announced investments in both the Amphitheater and Santa María la Vieja ”.  The project, which was presented by the mayor and the Secretary of State for Public Works, Pedro Saura, in March 2019, includes the works of both the interior and exterior of the building.

Thus, inside the waiting areas, the ticket sales area, the toilets, the cafeteria and the car rental office will be redistributed and organized, including, in addition, a new space for information and attention to the traveler.  Similarly, it is planned to create new areas for workers, such as changing rooms, rest room, area for security personnel and warehouse.

The design also includes the preservation of some of the most characteristic elements, such as the false wooden coffered ceiling and the modernist lamps. Among the works, the restoration of the stained glass window of the main façade, as well as the original tiles and masonry, also stands out.

As for the exterior, a new parking lot will be built next to the north facade of the building and the spaces for the taxi and bus stops will be rearranged, with new trees. One of the most outstanding novelties of the project is that it incorporates a canopy over the platforms, on the roof of which they will install small photovoltaic cells connected to a system of accumulators that allow the use of solar energy to supply the canopy itself with light. 4 MILLION EUROS FOR SANTA MARÍA LA VIEJA AND THE AMPHITHEATER  Those responsible for the Ministry of Public Works have already contacted the Archaeological Heritage area to inform them that in the General State Budgets there are separate items of 2 million euros for both the Amphitheater and the Old Cathedral.  The City Council, as established in the protocols signed in 2019, must put the projects out to tender and the Ministry must provide the necessary funding to carry them out in a multi-year plan that begins this year.  Castejón recalled that “in the case of the Old Cathedral, as it is a protocol signed by three institutions, it is necessary to wait for the Bishopric to conclude the drafting of the Master Plan and, immediately afterwards, from the City Council we will call a contest of ideas that it will serve as the basis for the project ”.  function { ;(, , {});}

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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