Portal de Cartagena


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[Awarded the maintenance of archaeological remains for 268,453 euros (19/01/2021)

| The contract signed by the Cartagena City Council for this service has a term of 4 years that can be extended for one more | The Cartagena City Council has awarded this week the contract for the maintenance and preventive restoration of archaeological sites to the company Patrimonio Inteligente SL for a value of 268,453.99 euros. The mayor and head of the Archaeological Heritage Area, Ana Bel�n Castej�n, explained that â € œthe contract has a term of 4 years that could be extended for one more.

For us, the protection and enhancement of the magnificent historical heritage of our municipality is a priority and this new contract will allow us to carry out a much more exhaustive control and maintenance of the archaeological sites of Cartagenaâ € ??. The archaeological surfaces and remains that are the object of these works and included in the technical specifications are: 1.

Roman Colonnade of the Lower Morer�a. 2.

El Molinete Archaeological Park. 3.

Exterior of the Roman Amphitheater, southern sector in front of the Hospital de Marina and the Autopsy Pavilion. 4.

Byzantine Wall. 5.

Roman roads: - Cardo del Bulevar Jos� Hierro. - Calzada de la Plaza Cronista Isidoro Valverde. - Decumano Maximum in Plaza del Lago. 6.

Torre Ciega funerary monument. 7.

Paleo-Christian necropolis of the Municipal Archaeological Museum. 8.

Wall of Carlos III. As stated in the contract, the periodicity of the cleaning, clearing, removal of waste and restoration tasks are specific and different for each of the spaces, since they have been based on the specific needs they present. In terms of personnel, the company must provide enough qualified workers to guarantee that every working day and full-time there will be at least two archeology assistants and a coordinator who must have with the title of archaeologist or restorer.

In addition, you should be able to have the precise number of assistants and restorers available for the typical tasks of your profession.

The qualification of the personnel will be supervised by the Technical and Optional Directorate. The company must also provide the equipment, tools, materials and products necessary to carry out the tasks entrusted, which must also be approved by the Technical Directorate. It should be noted that all the work to be carried out must be carried out in strict compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety regulations, with the appropriate individual and general protection equipment. In addition, maintenance tasks should be carried out without obstructing the visitors' routes, so all tasks that require a significant presence of workers or teams should try to be carried out during the hours with less influx of visitors. REGIONAL GRANT FOR THE ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM� The General Directorate of Rural Development of the Autonomous Community has awarded the Cartagena City Council a subsidy valued at 50,000 euros, which will be used to pay for part of the musealization project that has been carried out in the Ethnographic Museum of the Ports of Santa B�rbara. It should be remembered that the remodeling of the museum has involved an investment of more than 125,000 euros, of which 50,000 correspond to the European Funds subsidy managed by Campoder.

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Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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