Portal de Cartagena


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[MC Cartagena promotes before the CARM the declaration as BIC of the 'Gr�a Sans�n' (15/01/2021)

| Mar�a Dolores Ruiz: "We want to guarantee the conservation of this majestic example of our industrial heritage" | This morning, the councilor of the MC Cartagena Municipal Group, Mar�a Dolores Ruiz, announced that her training was requested on Monday, January 11, in accordance with Law 4/2007, of March 16, of Cultural Heritage of the CARM, the initiation of the declaration procedure as Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) of the 'Gr�a Sans�n', to guarantee the safeguarding of this valuable example of our industrial heritage .

Immediately afterwards, Cartagena's head of Heritage has reasoned "the transcendental role played by this infrastructure in milestones that occurred in our waters such as the return of the Peral Submarine to Cartagena; the artillery of the coastal batteries; the construction of the La Azoh�a dock; the construction of breakwaters in the Bay of Cartagena or in the industrialization process of the Escombreras Refinery ".

Subsequently, he has wanted the support of both the City Council and the Port of Cartagena, taking into account the last action undertaken there, in order to "beautify" the crane, valued at more than 250,000 euros.

"Presumably, if they have invested that significant amount in a roundabout already built, they will have no problem adhering to our initiative.

They are committed to window dressing and the photo, MC tries to protect and preserve it." To conclude, Mar�a Dolores Ruiz wanted to recall the work of the director of the current director of the National Museum of Underwater Archeology, Iv�n Negueruela, who "in 1993 publicly denounced the situation of the Gr�a Sans�n, dumped in different places.Her performance was decisive finally to save the feather of the Gr�a that we have admired today since 2001 at the entrance to the container terminal, now converted into a s� ½ symbol for the city.

" Basis for the statement The motivation argued by Ruiz before the General Directorate of Cultural Assets is based on various criteria.

Due to its uniqueness, being the only 100-ton crane owned by the Spanish Navy; its authenticity and integrity, by being preserved without additions or elements that distort it; its representativeness in the Region, being fundamental and unique in its activity; in addition to other issues of a symbolic, technical and remembrance nature.

In the same way, in relation to its state of conservation, it should be noted that its pen is preserved intact and in perfect condition.

Finally, it is worth mentioning its interest as a landmark in the urban sphere and its integration into the cultural landscape of the port of Cartagena.

La Gr�a and Peral The study carried out by Mar�a Dolores Ruiz reveals the 'relationship' existing between the Gr�a Sans�n and the Peral Submarine, helping the first, in 1929, during the floating tests of the submersible for its transport to the Arsenal of Cartagena.

The documented facts confirm that the hull of the Peral submarine was abandoned and damaged in the Arsenal de la Carraca in C�diz, being doomed to a scrapyard.

Until September 1929, when the Rear Admiral and Minister of the Navy, Mateo Garc�a de los Reyes, who had been the first chief of the Submarine Weapon, visited Cartagena where he was suggested to transfer the submarine to the city .

Garc�a de los Reyes issued the appropriate orders, and the Peral hull was taken from La Carraca to Cartagena, entering the trailer of the 'C�clope' on November 27, 1929 and not aboard a battleship in the port of Cartagena.

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Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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