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["The sum of two disasters: the Toledo pact and the Escriv� reform" (14/01/2021)

| Yay @ flautas de Cartagena | The current Recommendations of the Toledo Pact (hereinafter PT) were approved in committee on October 27 and ratified by the Congress of Deputies on November 19, 2020, with a wording in many cases so generic that it can serve both to improve and to worsen the situation of current and, above all, future pensions.

Perhaps that is why they were approved by the majority of parties, left and right.

While the groups of pensioners, the Yay @ flutes of Cartagena and some political party at the time, we have defended the need to repeal the pension reforms of 2011 and 2013, but in this PT it is reinforced and expand the 2011 cuts.

From the beginning we said that the recommendations agreed in the PT could represent a stone in the future of the workers, a stone that should be "touch" to begin the mobilizations against before they become in laws.

But Minister Escriv�, former head of AIReF and the BBVA study center, has thrown an �rdague on pensioners and workers, passing through the "triumphal arch" in itself ½ disastrous PT, the government agreements with UP and the electoral promises of the PSOE, which returns to its old ways showing its two faces again: the electoral and the government.

But let's go by parts.

SEPARATION OF FUNDING SOURCES: THE SS FINANCED ONLY WITH QUOTATIONS, transferring if necessary from the PGE to cover subsidies and non-contributory expenses.

Why are pensions not transferred to the General State Budgets like the rest of the obligations of the State, Army, Monarchy, Infrastructures, etc? Why are improper expenses (salaries of civil servants, rents, amortizations, consumables, consumption) paid with contributions? Why should the accounts of the SS balance if the money does not balance the Church, the Police or the rest of the Ministries? Because the supposed deficit is the basis for the cuts and subsequent privatization.


This operation is proposed for the elimination of the alleged debt of the SS with the State, the Court of Auditors having shown that it is the opposite, the State owes the SS more than 103,000 M€, and according to other larger studies, 520,000 M€.

With this operation, the SS would be left without backup assets, which would facilitate its dismantling in the future.



This modification is recommended, totally unnecessary because this article is the one that obliges the PGE to make the necessary contributions to the SPP, something that has been repeatedly breached by PSOE and PP when correcting the false deficits through loans in place of direct transfers.

Why and for what do you want to change? The recommendations don't explain it, but it's highly suspect.


In recommendation 2, the rise is neither ARMORED IN THE CONSTITUTION NOR GUARANTEED BY LAW, but will be calculated "based on the CPI".


Furthermore, Escriv� has launched the 'probe' of a new Pension Revaluation Index, which involves computing the rise in pensions with a "false" CPI, calculated with the AVERAGE OF SEVERAL YEARS OS (past and future).

Regarding the minimum, non-contributory and disability pensions, it is "proposed" to improve them, but without affecting their comparison with the SMI or to speak of the European Social Charter.


The PT proposes reforms in the face of social changes in recent years, conditioning the perception of widowhood to having other income, the number of children or age.

In return, the PT "urges" to improve protection for widows aged 65 or over without other resources and to improve the amounts and maximum age of orphan's pensions.

Finally, the PT asks to analyze "the protective efficacy of those manifestations of death and survival benefits [dependents, widows and orphans] established when there were no non-contributory benefits, so that the contributory system of coverage that should be accommodated at non-contributory or assistance levels is released "(sic).

The request to disconnect from the contributory system is very clear.


The PT maintains 67 years of legal age in 2027 and proposes to favor the voluntary prolongation of activity beyond the legal age.

Early retirement would remain the same or penalties would be aggravated, which can reach up to 32% for life.

We have always defended the abolition of the penalties for early retirement in two cases: when 40 or more years have been contributed, and when there has been a dismissal without finding work again at an advanced age and it has to depend for too many years on the subsidy for people over 52 years old (430 € in 2020).


According to the PT's recommendations, the minimum 15 years of contribution will be maintained to access a pension, and the 25 as of 2022 as the calculation period, as determined the pension reform of 2011 (PSOE), contemplating the evaluation of a progressive extension of the contribution period necessary to access the maximum pension, and it is recommended to consider the possibility of electing the more favorable years.

The sum of the delay in the retirement age at 67 years and the extension to 25 years of the calculation period already supposes a cut of around 15 years.

% for the affected pensioners.

But, as we said, Escriv� has broken the deck and proposes to extend the years from 25 to 35 for calculating the amount of the pension, with which it was necessary to add between 5 and a 7% reduction in future pensions.

Unions and UP have shouted to heaven, which in the case of the former is a d�j� vu: thus they began with the reform of 2011 and ended with the fountain pen in hand.

But the legislative hurdle can be significant; If UP (and of course ERC, Bildu, Comprom�s, M�s Pa�s and someone else) do not sign, the PSOE has it difficult: the PP is not going to give them even water except for a major surprise ½scula, and Cs is not significant to carry forward this attack against the Public Pension System (SPP) of Escriv�.

This makes us think that 35 years may be a misdirection maneuver to strain the real torpedoes onto the SPP's waterline: the "new IRP" and, above all, the partial privatization (of moment) of the SPP.

In the first case, the maneuver is clear: in the absence of a 0.25 that had to be withdrawn after four years, a mathematical formula will be applied to lower the REAL ANNUAL CPI for which they were sold.

governing pension increases until the "big pension" that brought thousands and thousands of retirees to the streets.


The PT recommends promoting private company plans ("supplementary social provision", PSC hereinafter), similar to the EPSV of the Basque Country (denounced) or to the English complementary system, transferring the tax benefits of the plans private individuals to this PSC, which would be fed from part of the employer and worker contributions, which would mean less money for Social Security, and a "new reason" to reduce pensions public.

The implementation will be agreed by means of a Collective Agreement, so that it will only benefit a sector of the workers, those of large companies, the companies themselves due to the tax reductions that will be reported to them.

¿½n with the same expenses, and to the managers of these PSCs: the majority unions,banks and mutuals.

They would mean, in addition, the progressive privatization of public pensions that would remain as welfare, and would even be the "wedge" of the Austrian backpack: it would be a question of continuing the application of the Second Final Provision of the 2010 Zapatero labor reform (RDL 10/2010, of June 16, of urgent measures for the reform of the labor market), not continued by Rajoy due to the economic crisis World music and for applying its own savage reform, still not even partially repealed, despite again representing another breach of government pacts and electoral promises.It will be about continuing the application of the Second Final Provision of the Zapatero labor reform of 2010 (RDL 10/2010, of June 16, on urgent measures for the reform of the labor market), not continued for Rajoy for the world economic crisis and for applying his own savage reform, not even partially repealed yet despite again representing another breach of government pacts and electoral promises.It will be about continuing the application of the Second Final Provision of the Zapatero labor reform of 2010 (RDL 10/2010, of June 16, on urgent measures for the reform of the labor market), not continued by Rajoy for the world economic crisis and for applying his own savage reform, not even partially repealed yet despite again representing another breach of government pacts and electoral promises.Not even partially repealed yet despite again representing another breach of government pacts and electoral promises.Not even partially repealed yet despite again representing another breach of government pacts and electoral promises.

No es nada descabellado sospechar que en la pr�xima reforma laboral, o en la siguiente, se aplicar� la maldita Mochila.

Ser� el fin del SPP y del despido con indemnizaci�n, el sueño dorado de los empresarios.

El camino estar� bien pavimentado.� function { ;(, , {});}

Source: Yayoflautas Cartagena

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