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[The new agreement of the Cartagena City Council with MicroBank will help reduce the impact of the pandemic for the self-employed (05/01/2021)

The mayor of Cartagena, Ana Bel n Castej n, the councilor and president of the Agency for Local Development and Employment (ADLE), Irene Ruiz, the territorial director of Murcia of CaixaBank, Juan Ignacio Zafra, and the president from MicroBank, Juan Carlos Gallego, have signed an addendum to the collaboration agreement that already existed between both entities to reduce the impact of the COVID19 pandemic for the self-employed and micro-enterprises of the municipality. This extension of its collaboration agreement implies the provision by MicroBank of a new financing line, aimed at both self-employed persons and companies with less than ten workers.

to meet the needs that may have arisen as a result of the outbreak of the coronavirus.

“From the City Council we believe that we must jointly face this pandemic and facilitate our business fabric access to all possible tools so that they can subsist and float their businesses.

With this extension of the agreement with MicroBank we ensure that they have the financing to be able to do so, ”said the mayor. In this way, the beneficiaries of this new financing line, which is supported by the European Investment Fund, will be able to request microcredits for a maximum amount of 25,000 euros.

Freelancers who wish to apply must present their projects together with a business plan and a favorable viability report prepared by the Local Development and Employment Agency itself. The loans, which have a fixed rate of 3.90%, can be accessed by freelancers and legal entities (micro-companies with up to 9 workers and annual turnover of less than 2,000,000 euros) .

Their periodicity is monthly.

Regarding the terms, the minimum is 12 months and the maximum is 72 months.

The amortization is 60 months, with between 3 and 12 months of grace.

In addition, they do not have opening, study or cancellation commissions; although as a requirement it is necessary for the collaborating entity to provide a working capital needs report.

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Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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