Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


[The sculptor Manuel Ardil Robles returns to the Plaza de los Carros (05/01/2021)

| The bronze bust returns to its original place after being accidentally knocked down last year by a delivery truck | The gaze of the Cartagena sculptor Manuel Ardil Robles once again bears witness to the transit of pedestrians through the central Plaza de Alcolea, popularly known as de los Carros.

The bronze bust of this self-taught artist has been returned to its original place, after it was accidentally knocked over last year by a delivery truck. To do this, it was necessary to build a new solid marble pedestal, since the previous one was unusable.

The cost of the work has been assumed by the vehicle's insurer.

Although, the technicians of the restoration workshop of the Council of Culture of the City of Cartagena have repaired the utensil that the 'master of bronze' carried in one of his hands.

This element was the only thing that was damaged when this piece fell to the ground. The image, the work of the artist and son of Ardil, Manuel Ardil Pag n, was inaugurated in 2000.

It serves as a tribute to the creator of some of the most iconic sculptures in the city .

Among them are the image of the Immaculate Conception, located in the Plaza de Risueño, or the Four Saints of Cartagena, which can be seen in the niches on this road. Manuel Ardil Robles, born in 1910, participated very actively in the life of Cartagena in the 20th century.

He combined his artistic side with his work as a mechanic in the old Baz n; and he was even a diver in the Navy during the Civil War.

In fact, he was wounded in combat, which reduced his artistic output after leaving a legacy in which the works of classic busts shine.

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Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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