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MC: Castejón, Arroyo and Padín mutilate the Molinete Archaeological Park (31/07/2020)

| Jesús Giménez denounces that the Government imposes the sale of four plots on Morería Baja street to hide the vision of an emblem of our heritage | This morning a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Casco Antiguo municipal society took place in the administrative building of San Miguel.

The session was attended by the spokespersons of the Municipal Group MC Cartagena, José López and Jesús Giménez. During the Council, the local government has imposed the sale of four plots located on Morería Baja Street, a proposal that has found the rejection of the Cartagena formation when voting against it. Subsequently, the deputy spokesman for MC, Jesús Giménez, has assessed the Government's actions.

"It is a sad day for the heritage of Cartagena: Arroyo, Castejón and Padín renounce the Molinete Archaeological Park to make cash." "We have been warning for months that their intention is to brick the hill, thereby covering their vision and today they have confirmed it," added the mayor. Specifically, he explained that "the proposal that they have imposed on the Board of Directors of 'Casco Antiguo' contemplates the sale in installments before completing the excavation of the plots and the Morería Baja street, so they resume the urban planning that destroys and does not he who builds a city.

" It is "a model that renounces the protection of one of the five hills and does so to offer facilities to developers is an error that a tourist municipality cannot claim to claim to be a World Heritage Site." Delving into what is imposed today by PP, fugitives and Cs, Giménez has revealed that "the specifications even offer payment facilities and extensions in the building, we are going to have a whiff to fix ..." Lastly, the Cartagena spokesman has concluded by assuring that "we will work, however, to protect the hill and we will insist that what the Historic District needs is that it be built on the 100 privately owned plots and municipal property is destined for green areas and services ".

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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