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The plenary calls for the removal of the Government Delegate for his mismanagement of the crisis of the arrival of irregular immigrants (30/07/2020)

The plenary session of the municipal corporation, chaired by the mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, approved this Thursday, July 30, with the votes in favor of the government team and Vox, against Unidas Podemos IU Verdes Equo and abstention from MC Cartagena, the 'in voce' motion presented by the deputy mayor, Noelia Arroyo, who, due to the lack of coordination and information on the part of the Government Delegation during the massive influx of irregular immigrants who have been arriving on our coasts in recent days, has requested the resignation of the government delegate and, in the event that he refuses, urge the interior minister to proceed with his dismissal.

In addition, that the plenary recognize the great work of the Corps and State Security Forces and members of the entities and NGOs that are working to face this crisis."The Government Delegation has shirked its responsibility, during the crisis we are experiencing there have been a series of nonsense in its management and in the treatment of immigrants," said Arroyo, who stressed that "we need a government delegate who focuses on finding solutions and not on attacking those who provide aid.

”As a result of this motion, the need to establish action protocols in order to reduce the risk of contagion by coronavirus and other infectious diseases, to apply to the personnel of the rescue services, of the Corps, has also been evident in another initiative.

Security and other personnel with possible contact, given the constant flow of people who try to enter the country irregularly.The question was included in the motion presented by the Vox councilor, Gonzalo Abad, and approved with the vote in favor of the municipal government, Vox and MC Cartagena, and against United Podemos IU Verdes Equo.

It also includes urging the Ministry of Interior to strengthen the provisions of the Security Corps so that they can take over the surveillance of illegal immigrants infected with COVID-19, which urgently reopen the Internment Centers for Foreigners of the Region, and that the Government of the Nation has a Temporary Attention Center for Foreigners in the port of Cartagena."The government of Cartagena is in favor of ending the absurdities of the government delegate, José Vélez, as well as the activation of the necessary protocols," said the councilor of the government team Diego Ortega, who recalled that "this City Council is collaborating at all times and working together with the Autonomous Community and with the Corps and State Security Forces ”.REPROBATION TO JOSÉ LÓPEZAmong the initiatives 'in voce', it has also been highlighted the one that has been jointly presented by PP, Citizens and unaffiliated councilors, all of them members of the municipal government team, in defense of municipal public employees against the mistreatment of José López, alluding to the events that occurred last June in the administrative building between the MC mayor and a municipal official.The motion, approved with the votes in favor of the government and Unidas Podemos IU Verdes Equo, against MC Cartagena and the abstention of Vox, includes the disapproval of the City Council plenary session to Councilor José López Martínez for the aggressive behavior reported last month of June by a municipal official, while demanding that he offer the public apologies requested by the Staff Board.MORE SERVICES IN THE HEALTH AREADuring the start of the ordinary plenary session, the motion presented by the mayor of Unidas Podemos IU Verdes Equo, Aurelia García, for the municipal government to forcefully and urgently demand the SMS and the CARM Health Ministry, the immediate Opening of the Hemodynamic Unit of the Santa Lucía University General Hospital in Cartagena 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, saw how it was unanimously approved.The councilor of the Health area, Manuel Padín, announced news about this service for next week and the goal that "by the end of this year, Hemodynamics will be in operation", alleging that "the delays have been due to the health crisis ".In the Health area, the motion of MC Cartagena presented by Councilor Jesús Giménez was also unanimously approved, by which the Plenary of the Cartagena City Council agrees to urge the CARM to create a Burned Unit in Cartagena by providing the means economic and material that are necessary.ZAL DE LOS CAMACHOSThe local government's commitment to the ZAL of Los Camachos, which defended a motion by MC Cartagena presented by the mayor José López, has obtained the unanimous vote of the plenary.Among the points that the initiative highlights, removing obstacles that impede its development, claiming from the regional government the line of aid to promote the use of the port among regional companies, as well as the immediate signing of an agreement with SEPES, and claiming the regional and central governments the immediate impulse of the new rail freight platform that unites the docks of the port with the ZAL of Los Camachos and the Cartagena-Murcia line.HERITAGEUnanimously approved the motion of the MC that Councilor María Dolores Ruiz has exposed, so that the municipal government, interested in the 'Cartagena World Heritage' project, begins the necessary steps with the owners (either an administration or a private individual) of the buildings that are the object of this action, preparing the projects endowed with financing and that, in any case, simultaneously promote conversations with large electricity companies to sponsor, if necessary and always in a complementary way to the municipal action, the lighting of our castles and other places as an element that enhances tourism and the city's heritage.Manuel Padín has assured that the City Council will require the owners to get down to work, the municipal services also doing the same.FISHING SECTORThe City Council of Cartagena shows its support for the fishing sector in Cartagena and urges the Governing Council so that it, in turn, requests the Government of the Nation to reconsider its position in consensus with the fishing sector and modify the order APA / 423/2020 May 18, published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which establishes a management plan for the conservation of demersal fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea, due to the negative effect it causes on the Cartagena fishing sector .This support has been evident through the motion presented by the Popular group, in charge of the Councilor for the Environment, Cristina Mora, and approved with the votes in favor of the municipal government, Vox and MC, and against United We Can IU Equo Greens.RESOURCES OF LOCAL ENTITIESContinuing with the initiatives that have gone ahead in this plenary session, the Cartagena City Council has reaffirmed its commitment to the Law of Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability as a tool that guarantees the proper functioning of local finances that has allowed many municipalities in Spain generate the savings that the Nation's government now claims and rejects any measure aimed at appropriating the savings accumulated by the residents of the Spanish municipalities, both directly and via subscription of loans from the Local Entities to the State to be repaid in the long term.En este sentido, el pleno ha aprobado, con los votos a favor del equipo de gobierno y el grupo Vox, en contra de Unidas Podemos IU Verdes Equo, y la abstención de MC Cartagena, una moción del grupo Popular presentada por Noelia Arroyo, instando al gobierno de la nación a respetar y garantizar la autonomía que la Constitución Española y las leyes otorgan a las entidades locales para la gestión de sus recursos, atender las demandas de las Entidades Locales para que puedan disponer del 100% sus remanentes de Tesorería para lucha contra los negativos efectos del COVID-19.Además, el documento incluye entre sus peticiones que si se plantea modificar alguna de las leyes que afectan a la autonomía, hacienda o estabilidad financiera de las entidades locales, valide dichas modificaciones en el Congreso de los Diputados o ante los órganos de gobierno de la FEMP, así como que el Ministerio de Hacienda cumpla con la totalidad del acuerdo consensuado por todas las fuerzas políticas, incluido el Partido Socialista, en el seno de la Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias.ACTUACIONES MUSICALES EN EL FARO DE NAVIDADEl apoyo del pleno ha sido unánime a la moción presentada por la edil Pilar García, del grupo municipal Vox, para que Autoridad Portuaria y Ayuntamiento adecúen los accesos al Faro del Dique de Navidad y se puedan programar actividades culturales que complementen a las que ya se organizan en este espacio, además de acordar junto con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Cartagena, un paquete de conciertos para desarrollar durante toda la temporada, con el fin de buscar y fijar un atractivo cultural para Cartagena.Según ha señalado el concejal delegado de Cultura, Carlos Piñana, al respecto, "la Concejalía lleva tiempo estudiando los espacios más adecuados para el desarrollo de la actividad musical de la Orquesta, apostando por el Faro para actuaciones de música de cámara".MARCA COSTA CÁLIDA PARA LOS CLUBES DEPORTIVOSEl Gobierno local exigirá a la Consejería de Turismo una distribución equitativa y proporcional de las partidas de patrocinio de la marca Costa Cálida entre los clubes deportivos de élite, repercutiendo éstas en los clubes de Cartagena y Comarca, a la que responde la citada marca.Así lo exponía la moción de MC Cartagena presentada por Ricardo Segado, que ha sido aprobada por unanimidad en el pleno.SEGURIDAD VIAL EN LA CR-016-010 A SU PASO POR LA ALJORRAA punto de concluir las obras de acondicionamiento en los caminos rurales de nuestro municipio, Fase ll,-2-2016 llevada a cabo por la Consejería de Agricultura, donde se incluyen los caminos de Venta Seca-Lo Montero, Los Sevillas-Cruce de Los Simonetes y Los Cañavates - Marines y Pérez de Arriba, sumando un total de 9,87 Km, el grupo municipal MC Cartagena ha solicitado en forma de moción planteada por el concejal Enrique Pérez, que, con objeto de evitar y prevenir en lo posible que esta carretera sea un punto negro de siniestralidad, y antes que la obra sea entregada por la Consejería al Ayuntamiento para su mantenimiento y conservación; el Gobierno municipal contacte con los responsables técnicos y políticos regionales para mejorar la seguridad vial horizontal especificada.APOYO A LAS AUTOESCUELASLa corporación municipal, con la abstención de Unidas Podemos IU Verdes Equo, ha respaldado la moción ‘in voce’ del grupo municipal MC Cartagena expuesta por el edil José López en apoyo a las autoescuelas de la Comarca del Campo de Cartagena, sector que se ha visto especialmente perjudicado como consecuencia de la crisis sanitaria.De este modo, los grupos de la Corporación que han dado su voto favorable se adhieren a las reivindicaciones de las autoescuelas, que le han hecho llegar al Jefe de la Oficina local de Tráfico, instándose a la Delegación del Gobierno a la inminente puesta en marcha de las medidas solicitadas:- Refuerzo permanente (mientras subsista la falta de examinadores) en el centro de exámenes de Cartagena, bien a través de la Jefatura Provincial de Murcia, o bien mediante apoyo del equipo itinerante de examinadores de la Jefatura Central de Tráfico.- Aumento de plantilla de nuevos examinadores.- Anulación del sistema CAPA por demostrar su ineficacia para sostener el servicio de exámenes.

Dicho sistema consiste en asignar a cada autoescuela de un número de aspirantes (expresados en minutos) que podían solicitar el examen práctico periódicamente en unos ciclos establecidos.- Planificar un calendario de exámenes permanente durante todo el año y de forma continuada, sin reducción en el número de pruebas en la temporada de mayor demanda por parte del ciudadano.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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