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MC will transfer to the plenary session the serious health problem suffered by the residents of La Palma (27/07/2020)

| The Cartagena formation will also demand that the cleaning of the transversal axis be carried out and that the government respond to the agreements of the neighborhood councils | Once again, MC Cartagena will be the municipal group that transfers the demands and concerns of neighborhood residents and councils to the municipal plenary.

Among the initiatives that the Cartagena training will propose in next Thursday's session is one that will seek to find a solution to the serious health problem that La Palma suffers. The mayor Enrique Pérez has revealed the situation that, year after year, the residents of Calle Ajedrea and Plaza Cerezo de La Palma suffer from, who suffer from a plague of flies that affects their daily life between April and October. The residents have to suffer the disinterest of both the Department of Health and the CARM, regretting the MC councilor that "Mr.

Padín not only does not reply to the letters but also does not receive them, limiting himself to transferring this matter to Seprona considering that it is not within their competence ". Regarding the origin of the problem, it may come from two livestock farms, one for cattle and the other for sheep, the first 30 meters from the houses and 150 the second, "a matter that is within their competence because we assume that they have been granted municipal activity license having the houses practically on top ". For this reason, MC will be interested in knowing if it is going to respond to the concerns of the residents, if they have an activity license for these farms, as well as if they are updated and with a located activity center. Dirt on the Cross Axis The transverse round from Las Tejeras to the roundabout of San José Obrero, and especially the section of the roundabouts forking to the path of the San Antón cemetery and neighborhoods of Nueva Cartagena and Mediterráneo, as well as the link with the N-332 in Los Patojos San José Obrero, is in a terrible state, both roundabouts, medians and hard shoulders, as these spaces are full of dirt and bushes.

This situation supposes a high risk of fire due to the high temperatures of the time, to which is added the lack of visibility for road safety and the bad image that is given of Cartagena not only for its neighbors but for those who visit us in this summer time.

In this context,MC will ask the municipal government if it plans to carry out the necessary management so that the Transverse Axis and its adjacent areas are in optimal conditions in terms of cleaning. Rural road conditioning Most municipal rural roads are in terrible condition.

Enrique Pérez has indicated that "being aware that its good maintenance and conservation carries a significant cost, this local administration must resort to external funds, either from the regional or European administration, as MC Cartagena did when he held the Mayor's office with his project to roads in the western area, recently refurbished.

" The mayor recalled that the Government requested funds for four other projects on these roads, so he will ask in what administrative situation is the record of these projects, if their acceptance for obtaining European or regional funding has been approved or are they out Any chance of getting help for funds that will end in late 2020. Lack of response and information to neighborhood councils Regarding the agreements reached in the neighborhood councils that urge the local government to carry out actions, and regarding the lack of response from it, MC will seek to know if the political groups that make up the boards will be informed about future actions.

of the municipal executive.

In the specific case of La Puebla, and in view of the latest agreement reached at its meeting, the Cartagena formation will ask the Government for information on whether to carry out the request to carry out the decentralization of meters for the half-dozen Lentiscar farms, thus achieving that its workers enjoy the sanitary guarantees of the service. Other initiatives MC will also urge the local government to request the CARM to improve the horizontal road marking of the Venta Seca Lo Montero rural road, a road that serves as a connection between Fuente Álamo and the Cartagena deputations.

Likewise, Enrique Pérez has announced that the municipal Executive will be questioned about whether he is going to carry out any management for the cleaning of the drainage channel that is in front of the school and institute of Pozo Estrecho and for the improvement of the layout of its channel. Similarly, and in view of the poor state of the bridge on RM 311 at the height of the Rambla del Miedo in El Algar, possibly caused by the episodes of torrential rains that have occurred in recent years, the Government will be asked on whether it has transferred information on its condition to the competent administration so that it can issue a security report for the tranquility of users and residents of El Algar.

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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