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MC Cartagena requests the City Council to fulfill its subsidiary obligation to carry out the restoration works in the San Ginés de la Jara Monastery (25/07/2020)

| Ruiz recalls that there is no link between the urbanization project and the recovery of the monument | Today, the councilor of the MC Cartagena municipal group, María Dolores Ruiz, has informed of the request for her training, addressed to the Mayor's Office, so that the agreement of the local Government Board of April 27, 2012 is complied with and that, under the same, "the immediate and subsidiary restoration works are carried out in the Monastery of San Ginés de la Jara (Property of Cultural Interest), distancing this action from any urban disagreement.

We hope the materialization of an agreement that Pilar Barreiro was forced to accept on our impulse.

" This is how the Cartagena councilor, who has lamented the "conformism of governments with the abandonment of the works of the Monastery of San Ginés de la Jara," has started her argument. Empowered to act on a subsidiary basis Ruiz has made a chronology of the events, estimating the third section of what was ruled by the local Government Board, countersigned in 2016 by the Superior Court of Justice, which specifies that in the case of "lack of diligence in action or delays unjustified in the development of the restoration works by the owner ", empowers the" immediate subsidiary execution of the work ", an issue that seems not to be on the agenda of the local government. Subsequently, the mayor recalled that the same sentence of 2016, in its third law basis, provides that "the commitment to carry out the restoration is not linked to the approval of the urbanization project." María Dolores Ruiz has clarified, next, that the request for resolution of the 'Urban Agreement of the Action Program of Sector SG-1 San Ginés de la Jara' by the owner, Hansa Urbana, was rejected by the local Government Board alleging "that there are criminal proceedings that directly affect the instruments of land use and planning", which forces the suspension of the reparcelling project until its resolution. MC's momentum slowed by subsequent governments The Cartagena councilor added that sentence 141/2016 of the Superior Court of Justice "was executed by José López during his responsibilities at the Mayor's Office, causing the developer to commit to complying with the sentence that requires him to restore the monumental complex.

But after MC's departure from the Mayor's Office and later from the Government, 'relaxation' returned to municipal management and as a result we find ourselves abandoning it today. Finally, María Dolores Ruiz has stressed that in this context the regional body that holds competences in historical heritage, the General Directorate of Cultural Assets of the CARM, must demand "from the Cartagena City Council the immediate subsidiary execution of the restoration works of the monument If not, both administrations will be jointly responsible for perpetuating the premeditated and planned abandonment of one of the jewels in the crown of our heritage, throwing more land on the present and future of our municipality and Region ".

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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