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The Municipal Addiction Plan joins the #nolotiresporlaborda campaign to raise awareness among young people and families about the risk of contagion with the coronavirus (10/07/2020)

| It is recommended that they follow the health recommendations, given the holding of mass meetings during the summer season | From the Technical Office of the Municipal Addiction Plan of the City of Cartagena, they join the awareness campaign for young people and families #nolotiresporlaborda, carried out by the Ministry of Health, in which they are invited to act responsibly, not to forget our obligations and to be aware of the current situation.The objective of this initiative is none other than raising awareness among the population so that the recommendations given by the health authorities are followed, since mass meetings are being promoted in the summer season, which can cause great health risks.IS IT WORTH IT TO GO BACK?Given the concern about the consequences that these massive meetings of young people can cause without following the preventive measures against the covid-19, we want to emphasize the risks that it entails for health, not only for the person himself, but for his environment more close (family, friends and neighbors).In the face of the proliferation of announcements on social networks about these meetings to consume alcohol on public roads, as well as other events and parties of nightlife, called in different beach areas of the municipality of Cartagena, the Technical Office of the Municipal Plan for Addictions, from Its scope of action, which is prevention, sees it necessary to sensitize and raise awareness of this issue, both for young people and their families.In this initiative, together with the Technical Office of the PMAD, the Department of Youth, the criminologist and local police, Víctor Navarro, the Collective La Huertecica and Acción Familiar, will participate in the preparation and dissemination of it on social networks, to enable their maximum disclosure.Summer has arrived, a time for reunions, but it is an atypical summer marked by the coronavirus crisis.

The virus is still out there and we have a duty and a responsibility to protect ourselves and others.

Holidays are to be enjoyed, but you have to enjoy yourself responsibly in the current crisis situation.

Avoiding sprouts is in our hands.This is a measure to raise awareness, because ...

is it worth going back?

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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