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Green Eagles pray for the victims of the coronavirus (03/07/2020)

The motorist group Águilas Verdes, made up mostly of former members of the Civil Guard and their families, visits the parishes of San Cristóbal and Cristo de la Salud in Los Dolores (Cartagena) every year to pray for the victims of terrorism; a visit that they usually carry out between March and April and that this year has been delayed until the end of the state of alarm.The Green Eagles have wanted, on this occasion, to pray in a special way for those killed by Covid-19.

That is why last Sunday they made a floral offering in the parish of San Cristóbal, where a response took place.

As the owner of this temple the patron saint of drivers, they also kept in mind in their prayers those who have lost their lives on the road.Next, they visited the Cristo de la Salud parish, which is located in the same Cartagena neighborhood, where they prayed for their families.

There they gave the pastor, José Luis Riquelme, the first flag that this group had.

The priest was grateful for the gift and, above all, for the sensitivity shown towards the deceased due to the pandemic.

The parish priest took the opportunity to ask them, "wherever they go, always carry the hope, joy and peace of the men of God." He also wanted to have a detail with each one of the Green Eagles giving them a detente, "an element that symbolizes the protection, mercy and love of God, so that they always carry it close to the heart, united to that of Jesus Christ."

Source: Obispado de Cartagena

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