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The Mosaic Building, ready to join the visit to the Roman Forum Quarter (02/07/2020)

| The conservation team has completed the restoration work on this space, located in a corner of the colonial forum | The conservation and restoration team of the Barrio del Foro Romano has completed the work on the pavement of the so-called Mosaic Building, located in a corner of the colonial forum.

From this construction the function that it could have is unknown since it has only been found part of its floor formed by a central area decorated with fragments of different marbles that form geometric motifs surrounded by red travertine slabs from Mula.It was completed by an external band made with the mosaic technique whose decoration was based on geometric elements in black with red crosspieces inside.

The red travertine was used in other buildings of the old Carthago Nova as evidenced in the shafts of the columns of the peristyle or porticoed plaza of the Termas del Puerto del Barrio del Foro Romano and the scenic front of the Roman Theater.After their discovery, the restorers have verified the dark crust and the existing gaps throughout the pavement, with which their work has consisted of cleaning said crust, consolidating tiles and restoring missing elements with different materials.The mayor and president of Cartagena Puerto de Culturas, Ana Belén Castejón, recalled that “this is one more step towards enhancing the value of the emblematic heritage complex that, very soon, will be ready for residents of Cartagena as well as tourists who visit us.All these conservation and restoration works have allowed the recovery of a singular piece that will be incorporated for its contemplation when visiting the Forum Quarter when the adaptation and enhancement of the future Museum of the Roman Forum and the archaeological remains of the Curia and the Forum in the coming months.

These spaces will join the already visitable part of the Sanctuary of Isis, Termas del Puerto and Edificio del Atrio, forming an exceptional heritage site.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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