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MC will replace the inaction of administrations with a battery of solutions to the damage caused by DANA (30/09/2019)

Economic and tax measures, emergency works and a fumigation plan against the mosquito plague, among the proposals of the Cartagena formation

Next Wednesday will take place the first Plenary of the Corporation after the storms caused in our municipality by the DANA (Isolated Depression in High Levels).

The deputy spokesman of the municipal group MC Cartagena, Jesús Giménez, has indicated that "after the cold drop, and while the cleaning tasks are finished and the search for normalcy of the neighbors continues, we miss the push that our rulers are supposed to do" , adding that "to meet the needs of all Cartagena and the critical situation of the Mar Menor, we demand economic and tax measures, emergency works and a fumigation plan against the mosquito plague, non-negotiable proposals that we trust have the support of all municipal groups ".

Among these measures are those of an economic and tax nature, following the model used by the city of Lorca after the earthquakes suffered years ago.

Thus, the mayor of Cartagena said, "José López, taking as a model the management of the catastrophe after the earthquake in Lorca, proposes that the Government of the nation provide exceptional support for material damages for housing rental, repair and rehabilitation, infrastructure repair or rehabilitation of the historical heritage. In this line it will also be demanded that tax benefits be promoted for the injured, among many other measures. "

Regarding the Mar Menor, Giménez has advanced that "we will demand a five-year Environmental Recovery Plan, together with a Plan for modernization of tourist equipment and the Creation of the Government Commissioner for the recovery of the Mar Menor and mixed commission for those affected by the temporary DANA ".

"And it is a commitment that we demand from all, the Mar Menor must be an essential part of the agenda of those who claim the vote in the Campo de Cartagena for November 10," he said.

Other initiatives (works in rural areas, damage to BIC and fumigation against the mosquito plague)

Likewise, the deputy spokesman of the Municipal Group MC has advanced that "Enrique Pérez Abellán will urge the competent administrations to carry out emergency actions in rural areas and councils, since the storm has exposed a multitude of deficiencies in terms of services and infrastructure is concerned. The conditioning of rural and service roads, hydraulic works, pluvial or road safety is necessary. "

Likewise, "we will raise questions about the regional government's responsibility for abandonment in the effects of the cold drop," stating that "María Dolores Ruiz will ask about the mechanisms for inspecting damage to culturally interesting goods to include them for compensation ".

Finally, the deputy spokesman of the Cartagenerist formation has concluded by stating that "we will also be interested in when Padín considers that he has to spray before the plague of mosquitoes that ravages the municipality, something that they have already stopped in neighboring municipalities. In short, a battery of initiatives that alleviate the empty propaganda of those of 'La Trinca' ".

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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