Portal de Cartagena


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Burning, Elephants and Ruipérez will put tonight the musical accent of Carthaginians and Romans at the Amstel Fest (26/09/2019)

The Plaza de Antigones, next to the university campus, hosts the Amstel Fest, one of the musical activities of the Carthaginian and Roman Festivities, which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary this evening.

The concert, organized by Amstel, in collaboration with the Federation and the City Council of Cartagena, as well as Radio Cartagena, aims to boost the celebrations of the port city and its recognition as International Tourist Interest.

Throughout the night, they will perform at the festival, with a capacity of 8,000 people, renowned artists such as Burning, who are doing their last tour after more than 45 years of experience, Elephants, with their distinctive and distinctive style, Ruipérez, composer of M-Clan who will present his new album but will also play the greatest hits, and finally, the Cartagena Fernando Rubio & The Inner Demons, formed by Joaquín Talismán, Román García, Carlos Campoy and Paco del Cerro, recently present in festivals like The Sea of ​​Music or the Lemon Pop.

Although there are few tickets left, they can be obtained free of charge when you redeem the bonds, for every three of them one ticket will be awarded.

Each Amstel bonus will be obtained by consuming any of its beer varieties in the city's affiliated establishments, in which informational signage is already being placed.

The promotion is valid for people over 18 years of age, being able to obtain a maximum of six tickets per day per person, and can be redeemed at the Cartagena-SER Radio headquarters or at the information point of the Carthagineses and Roman Festive Camp.

In addition, throughout this morning, the Student House of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena UPCT will distribute 600 tickets until the beginning of the concert.

Students who want to go to the Amstel Fest must present the university card to obtain admission for free.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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