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The XXX edition of the magazine of Carthaginians and Romans extols the Great Battle and the events that close the holidays (17/09/2019)

There are few days left for the start of the Carthaginian and Roman Festivities in Cartagena with the proclamation of the Spanish actor and humorist Nacho Guerrero, popularly known for his role as 'Coque' in the television series 'La que vecina', and the ignition of the Sacred Fire on Friday, September 20.

Before these acts, the Federation of Troops and Legions of Carthaginians and Romans presented on the afternoon of this Monday, September 16, a new edition of the magazine of the holidays declared of International Tourist Interest and that in this 2019 they turn 30 years old.

The mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, accompanied by the second deputy mayor and councilor of the Tourism Area, Manuel Padín, the Councilor for Tourism, Cristina Pérez, the mayor of the municipal corporation, Jesús Giménez, Arantxa Pérez and Isabel García , and the president of the Federation of Troops and Legions of Carthaginians and Romans, José Antonio Meca, attended the presentation of the magazine on the terrace of the English Court of Cartagena.

During the presentation, the mayor of Cartagena, the president of the Federation of Troops and Legions, the representative of El Corte Inglés, Santiago Sánchez, the authors of the cartoon, Rogelio and Joaquín and the master of ceremonies, Alfonso Martínez, sympathized with those affected by the floods caused in the riverside towns by the cold drop in these last days.

This year, the magazine focuses on the events held in recent days, such as the Great Battle for the capture of Qart-Hadast, the Military March for the capture of the city or the Tribute to the Fallen.

This new edition, the XXX, puts the finishing touch to the trilogy started in 2017, where the historical basis of the events that are celebrated during the ten holidays is shown.

This year's cartoon represents a naval battle between a Carthaginian and a Roman couple in the port of Cartagena.

As every year, it has been done by Rogelio and Joaquín.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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