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The UPCT closes its buildings and suspends academic activity (12/09/2019)

The Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) has just closed all its buildings due to the alert situation established by the State Meteorological Agency for the Region of Murcia.

The closing adds to the suspension of the academic activity and will be in effect throughout Friday.

The recovery of the teaching activity planned for this Friday, which includes exams, will be established by each center when it can analyze in detail when it can be done.

The Board of Directors will communicate tomorrow through the usual information channels if the exams planned for this Saturday can be carried out or if they are postponed.

It has also set up an emergency committee to solve any incident that may occur.

The expected wind and rain storm has also motivated the postponement of the EBAU exams next Wednesday and Thursday.

Source: UPCT

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