Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The Vía Verde works will close a section of Víctor Beltrí to traffic (12/09/2019)

The extension works of the Vía Verde rainwater network are the reason why, after 7:00 on Monday, September 16, there will be a traffic cut on Víctor Beltrí Avenue, just as informed the Local Police of Cartagena.

This action, which will serve to connect the water channel of the Vía Verde with that of Víctor Beltrí, located in the median of the northern access to the city, will affect the lanes of the right section of the avenue, in the direction of Plaza Severo Ochoa , where the passage of vehicles will be interrupted.

Thus, to facilitate mobility, the opposite lanes will be enabled to be able to circulate in a double direction during the duration of the works, which are planned to be developed throughout the week.

From the Police, drivers are recommended to plan their journeys on this route where a large influx of traffic is generated daily.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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