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The ADLE launches an information and guidance service for the unemployed within the La Manga 365 initiative (11/09/2019)

The Agency for Local Development and Employment of the City Council of Cartagena (ADLE), which is directed by Councilwoman Irene Ruiz, has put information services in the workplace at the service of the resident population in La Manga, framed within the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy and Integrated “La Manga Abierta 365”, promoted by the Ministry of Development and Infrastructure of the Region of Murcia.

The ADLE customer service has started this Wednesday, September 11 and will remain until November 15 every Wednesday in the morning from 9 am to 2 pm.

Thus, the registered people in La Manga will have at their disposal personalized attention for labor intermediation for free, expediting all services for the unemployed and for companies seeking qualified personnel to work in them.

The attention will be individualized and an appointment can be made by calling the ADLE telephone number 968 12 89 77, or by going directly to the consortium offices.

'La Manga 365' is a strategic project that gives new impetus to infrastructure investment to face new challenges and take full advantage of the opportunities of this unique enclave in Europe.

It has four priority axes with which seasonality will be progressively reduced and economic development will be promoted throughout the year, mainly through tourism and nautical activities ('La Manga Open');

landscapes, accessibility and spaces will be improved ('La Manga is enjoyed');

sustainable transport will be promoted ('La manga moves');

and more advanced technologies will be promoted, with intelligent networks that improve people's lives ('La Manga connects')

These actions organized by the ADLE are co-financed at 80% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 20% by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, in which the municipalities of Cartagena and San Javier collaborate.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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