Portal de Cartagena


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The president of ADIF recognizes that there is no work in tender for the arrival of High Speed ​​in Cartagena (09/09/2019)

This morning, the deputy spokesman of MC Cartagena, Jesús Giménez, reacted to the statements made yesterday by the president of ADIF, Isabel Pardo, who acknowledged in an interview that there is no work in tender for the arrival of High Speed ​​to Cartagena .

Among other issues, Pardo admitted that neither the Cartagena Murcia line project nor the railway integration is being developed.

In the latter case, he said he was in "tender and adjudication a small action of the beginning of the section of access to Cartagena".

Or what is the same, "we only aspire to a few meters before the end of the year," Giménez began by reviewing.

The opposition of PP and Citizens to the baipás

Subsequently, the Cartagenerist leader said that "the best news is that if nothing prevents it, the construction of the Beniel Baipás will be tendered in 2019, but it will not help, because there is no forecast to electrify the Cartagena Murcia line, nor is there a project of urban integration of the railroad in Cartagena ".

"They tell us they will fix the station and make the baipás. The rest is a dotted line or an entelechy," said Jesús Giménez.

The councilor of MC, immediately after, recalled that "the baipás is an infrastructure that PP and Citizens did not want in 2015".

At this point, he added that the aforementioned formations considered it a "measure of solidarity and that creates animosity."

Months later, the former Minister of Development, Francisco Bernabé, said that "it was not for passengers."

Contextualized the positioning of each one, Jesús Giménez has been glad that "this proposal is accepted that MC, through José López, put on the table and promoted, but it is insufficient".

The arrival of High Speed ​​to Cartagena becomes a chimera

For all these reasons, the deputy spokesman of the Cartagenerist formation has clarified that "if these plans are maintained, contrary to the Plenary agreements, and the needs of the Cartagena people, no 21st century railroad will arrive in Cartagena. We will end up going to Murcia. by bus to take the AVE that arrives in that city. "

"Really," Giménez has continued, "that is the idea that the regional government manages and to which Pedro Saura is lending and, of course, La Trinca."

"It seems that its only purpose is that Cartagena becomes a district that supplies passengers and containers to the capital, something that should be solidary with their parties and their charges, even if they strangle the future of the Cartagena", concluded Jesús Giménez .

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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