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It reopens the registration in the UPCT masters with the novelties of Telematics Engineering and the double postgraduate degrees in Agronomists (09/09/2019)

Students who begin the master's degree in Agronomic Engineering may combine it with the research TAIDA or with the one taught in Kleve, Germany

The Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) reopens this Tuesday, September 10, the registration period in its official master's degrees with important developments.

On the one hand, the new degree in Telematic Engineering is released, aimed at job placement through the technological skills that companies currently demand.

At the same time, for the first time, the possibility of jointly teaching two masters, the Agronomic Engineering and the Advanced Agricultural and Food Research and Development Techniques (TAIDA).

In addition, postgraduate students who qualify for the profession of agronomist may choose to complete their studies in Germany, with a master's degree in Biological Resources taught in English.

The UPCT offers a total of 25 official master's degrees, of which six of them qualify for regulated professions.

The pre-registration period in this last phase of admission to postgraduate courses ends on October 10.

Big enterprises

The one-year Master in Telematics Engineering, “offers advanced, specialized and multidisciplinary training, aimed at both job placement and the beginning of a research career in the area of ​​Telematics, as it gives direct access to the programs PhD, ”explains the director of the School of Telecommunications, Juan ngel Pastor.

The degree will specialize its students in the areas of Cybersecurity, Software Development (DevOps), Virtualization, Electronic Administration, Internet of Things, Virtual and Augmented Reality and Technologies for Artificial Intelligence.

Its main feature is the collaboration of technology companies in all specialization subjects, both through conferences to explain real cases of application of new techniques and offering training practices to students.

Large companies such as Telefnica, Everis, PwC, Capgemini, Puertas Padillas, Intelkia and Digio.es have already confirmed their participation, as well as the General Directorate of Computing of the CARM and the IT services of the UPCT and the University of Murcia.

"Direct contact with these important employers will facilitate the employment of students," says the director of the ETSIT.

Double masters

The School of Agronomists of the UPCT offers this course a double master's degree in Agronomic Engineering, which enables the profession of agronomist, and Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development (TAIDA).

The program allows you to study both titles simultaneously.

The curriculum has a multidisciplinary academic orientation that includes both professional and research aspects and allows the acquisition of the competences of both masters through an academic trajectory integrated in two courses.

The temporary and economic cost is lower than that represented by studying both masters separately.

Additionally, students who enroll in the Master's degree in Agronomic Engineering will have the possibility the next year to complete their training in the German city of Kleve, with whose university the UPCT is finalizing a double degree agreement that will allow to obtain the postgraduate degree in Biological Resources, It is taught in English.

“The Rhein-Waal University of Kleve is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories where students will be able to complement their training in both Agronomy and Food Technology, while at the same time they can improve the English language, language in which this master's degree is taught in Germany ”, highlights the director of the School of Agronomists, Arantxa Aznar.

“The students of the School of Agronomists of the UPCT who are studying for the double master's degree will be able to carry out their internships in companies as well as the final master's work in Germany, which will allow them to have greater job opportunities in the European market,” adds the responsible for ETSIA.

Source: UPCT

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