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Citizens accuse the PSOE of ignoring the agreements for childhood and adolescence that are promoted by the opposition (31/08/2018)

- "I hope that the recently approved Municipal Council for Children will be able to pressure the PSOE to execute all those plenary agreements related to our children and adolescents, since one of its purposes is to promote institutional coordination in the implementation of policies aimed at children and adolescence of the municipality ", has indicated the spokesman of Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín

- The work table against bullying or the implementation of school nursery in day care centers, among breaches

Yesterday's plenary unanimously approved the regulation of the Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents.

The objective of this council, of a technical and advisory nature, is to promote actions that favor social awareness towards the promotion and defense of children's rights and promote institutional coordination in the implementation of policies aimed at children and adolescents in the municipality.

"I hope it awakens the social conscience of the socialist councilors, we celebrate, as it can not be otherwise, his arrival, and I hope that through it we can reactivate all those initiatives that we have presented for the children and adolescents of Cartagena and that PSOE and MC have systematically ignored since 2015, "says the local spokesman of Cs Cartagena, Manuel Padín.

Among the agreements of the Plenary session promoted by Citizens that the PSOE still does not comply with is the work table against bullying that was ratified by the School Board in the month of May and has not been convoked, the revision and arrangement of all the parks and children's areas of the municipality in compliance with European regulations, or the creation of a municipal ordinance to regulate its creation, maintenance and use, both proposals are pending from 2017.

Nor has the PSOE wanted to make a reality the petition that Cs made last year to launch a series of measures to promote among minors responsible use of the Internet and for guidance and advice from parents and teachers, "the goal of this The initiative was to make both parents and children more aware of the danger posed by the Internet and social networks, and to offer them the necessary tools and mechanisms to make responsible use of and defend against cyberbullying. "

In addition, the orange training managed to bring forward, also in 2017, a shadow plan for school playgrounds and public spaces frequented by children, and the implementation of the program 'Open Patios' to enable sports and recreational areas for the youngest, " nothing is known, "laments Manuel Padín.

Nursing school in day care centers

For Cs, it is especially serious the breach of the unanimous plenary agreement of September 2016 to provide school nursery schools in Cartagena, "PSOE and MC did not want to make it possible in 2017 budgets, and neither has the Socialist Executive in 2018 despite being his obligation ", Manuel Padín has complained that he recalled that in Murcia the same initiative was presented" there the youngest students can benefit in the municipal nursery schools of these health professionals which is a remarkable improvement for families with chronic children and a lot of tranquility and security for all parents ".

"Not to mention the innumerable requests, questions and motions that the orange formation has defended in plenary session related to the problems of air conditioning, space, infrastructure and security linked to the educational centers of the municipality", concluded Manuel Padín, who hopes that " from 2019, the new corporation has more respect for young people, and is able to dignify childhood and adolescence in Cartagena with facts and investments, only then we will be worthy of obtaining the recognition of Child Friendly City that grants UNICEF. "

The only Cs proposal related to Cartagena's children that PSOE-MC has fulfilled has been the annual celebration of a Children's Plenary, "we presented it in November of 2016, and had its first session a year later, and we hope that it will be held again next November, "said the spokesman for Cs.

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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