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Citizens report that the Government of Cartagena has not cleaned any land by subsidiary execution (30/08/2018)

- The Government admits, to questions of Cs, that it can not take charge of the maintenance and repair of the infantile areas of the municipality for "lack of budget"

Cartagena, Thursday, August 30.

The orange formation in the City of Cartagena has presented a request and eight questions in the ordinary plenary today.

Abandoned lots

Ciudadanos has reviewed the actions undertaken by the City of Cartagena since the beginning of the legislature to end the abandoned lots, especially those that have become over time unhealthy hotbeds.

The spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, has asked about the number of administrative procedures that have been initiated in our City Council for the cleaning of lots of the municipality, the amount of sanctions have been imposed for violating the urban cleaning ordinance, and for the number of subsidiary execution orders.

Manuel Padín also wanted to know what date is the last census drawn up by the City Council of public and private lots, premises and abandoned houses of the municipality and how often the municipal services inspect the empty lots of public and private property of our municipality to check that the hygienic-sanitary conditions due are maintained.

The socialist spokesperson, Obdulia Gómez, has reported that in 2016 702 administrative files related to the cleaning of abandoned lots and properties were initiated, in 2017 there were 729, and in 2018 until now 384. According to Gómez, who has not reported how many files have been resolved, "so far this year have initiated 41 disciplinary proceedings with fines that are between 600 euros and 420 euros."

Despite these numbers, the City has only undertaken two subsidiary executions through the courts since 2015, on two houses in which 5,000 euros have been invested, but has not made reference to any land.

In addition, at this time, there are 5 disciplinary proceedings in process, that is, pending the technical report and its publication in the BORM.

Finally, the socialist spokeswoman has assured that there is no solar census that can control the state of each of them, because "it is a variable situation."

Citizen spokesman has replied that "these data show us that something does not fit, and that a real municipal fight against the unhealthiness of the abandoned lots is not being undertaken so that the center of Cartagena and our neighborhoods look in decent conditions that attract Tourism, employment and the reactivation of trade, the figures of the beginning of the files do not correspond to what the neighbors see in the city and in the neighborhoods, what really interests us is that those files that are opened, are resolved, but of that they have not said anything in spite of our questions "

"This has been just a battery of previous and necessary questions to prepare an action plan that we will propose shortly."

On the existence or not of a census, Manuel Padín has indicated that "we know that the Local Police made a census in 2003, in the zone of Old Town, a real work of Chinese that today nobody seems to remember, but that without a doubt It was valuable, so that for the next Plenary we will ask for the support of the Plenary so that a new updated census can be carried out. "

Finally, Obdulia Gómez, has apologized for not being able to answer all the questions of Citizens for the absence of some municipal technicians who are on vacation.

Drug Addiction Plan

The Municipal Drug Addiction Commission (CMD) has not met since its constitution in May 2016, although at least it should have met annually.

At its constituent meeting, the Municipal Drug Addiction Plan 2016-2018 was approved, but since then no follow-up meeting has been held.

For this reason, Ciudadanos has requested explanations from the local government about the degree of compliance with the objectives set in the 2016-2018 Plan, and what actions have been carried out in addition to the Carthaginians and Romans campaign and the project with the Rascasa and La Huertecica.

Councilwoman Carmen Martín del Amor has not responded to the question of why a follow-up and control session has not been called for as the plan is implemented and has been limited to ensuring that "it follows its natural course since 2016" .

Parks and abandoned children's areas

The residents of Los Belones transferred to Cs their complaints about the state of abandonment and the lack of maintenance of their parks and children's areas.

According to the spokesman of Cs Cartagena, "the situation has reached the point that the neighbors themselves have had to take on the work of gardeners to prevent the trees from drying out."

Therefore, Manuel Padín has requested explanations from the local government and wanted to know if the Executive was aware of all the demands of the residents of Los Belones and what actions have been carried out and which the Government intends to carry out to improve the parks and playgrounds of the Belones.

The orange training has also been interested in knowing the degree of compliance with the agreement, approved at the beginning of 2017 by Cs, for the generalized revision of the state of parks and children's areas of the municipality.

The Decentralization councilor, Juan Pedro Torralba, has responded that the City Council has knowledge of everything, but that the brigades in charge of the maintenance and the dedicated budget (200,000 euros) is insufficient to have in conditions the parks and the children's areas and to fulfill the motion of Cs.

Torralba has reported that an Inspection Service for Children's Areas has recently been created with two municipal employees.

Regarding the review of children's areas, the councilor of Government has indicated that it will take inventory, but that the parks for children of the coast are controlled.

Finally, Juan Pedro Torralba has made progress that the ordinance proposed by Cs will be initiated shortly, and that it will probably be necessary to turn to an external company to undertake the modifications and the work that is needed.

Crossing between the streets Ciclamen and Écija, to Plenary

The intersection of Ciclamen Street and Ecija Street is a conflict zone from the point of view of safety and where several accidents have already occurred, one of them recently and with serious consequences.

"In this area, between the Sports Palace and the road of Tentegorra, the neighbors complain that the lack of visibility forces them to join from Ecija Street to Ciclamen Street, entering almost half of the road, and have requested Repeatedly to this City Council to apply security measures such as vertical signs, traffic lights, or any other that is deemed appropriate by the local Executive and help minimize the danger, "the mayor explained in his speech to ask about this issue to the socialist government.

"This crossing is just one of the many that exist in the municipality of Cartagena," lamented Ana Rama.

The councilman of Road Safety, Francisco Aznar, has admitted the danger posed by this crossing and has assured that the municipal technicians are studying the situation.

Cemetery of Los Remedios

Citizens today asked for explanations for the lack of implementation of the Master Plan for Protection and Recovery of the Cemetery of Our Lady of Remedy and has denounced that the City Council has not paid the annuity of 2018 to belong to the Association of Significant Cemeteries of Europe (ASCE) ), as stated in the previous plenary session.

In December 2017, the local government announced that it had completed a plan that, among other things, foresees the recovery of the Pedreño Pantheon, the creation of a website, security measures, the edition of a tourist catalog, a book of dissemination, the printing of explanatory brochures and placement of signage indicative of the most outstanding graves, such as the immortal engineer Isaac Peral, the painter Wsell de Guimbarda, the bullfighter Enrique Cano, the romantic poet José Martínez Monroy and also the merchants Juan Crespo and Manuel Picó , the industrial Andrés Pedreño, the Dorda family or the Aguirre family, or personalities such as Celestino Martínez.

"We only have evidence of the repainting of the perimeter fence of the pantheon of Pedreño, nothing more", has assured Ana Rama in the Plenary.

The spokeswoman of the PSOE of Cartagena, Obdulia Gómez, has confirmed that the leaflets, posters (except the one provided on the terrace of Isaac Peral's grave), and other measures have not been made because "the catalog has not been finalized of funeral items in the cemetery. "

Regarding the master plan, Gómez has indicated that it is an internal work document, and that the technicians work on it to adapt their planned actions to municipal regulations.

Obdulia Gómez has recognized in plenary session, contrary to what she stated at the last plenary session, that the Cementerio de los Remedios is not within the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe or on the European route because they are "waiting for the signing of a collaboration agreement with the Cemeteries Board and because the transfer of money through the Internet is not something that this City Council can do "(?).

Public water sources

Currently we are immersed in yellow hazard due to high temperatures, alert level 2 and despite the fact that Ciudadanos has presented several initiatives to increase the shade on public roads, and the number of public sources since 2015, none has been executed.

"Since our Municipal Group has been repeatedly brought to plenary questions on the number, status and forecasts of the local executive in relation to municipal sources of drinking water, which seem to be postponed forever for next summer," lamented the councilman, Ana Rama who today has been forced to do it again.

The councilman of Government, Juan Pedro Torralba, has informed that an updated inventory exists, and that at this moment Cartagena has 72 sources in the municipal term, of which, 17 are out of service;

which contrasts with the latest figures that were given a year ago, when the City Council said that there were 60 sources and 22 were out of service "if new sources have not been created as the Government says, it is a mystery or a miracle", Rama has laughed.

Although in a previous plenary it was assured that a report was being made to plan the increase and the arrangement of the sources, Juan Pedro Torralba has declared that he has no "record of any report"

Solar Cabezo Beaza

Citizens has asked in the ordinary plenary for the use that the PSOE Government plans to give to a plot of about 4,000 square meters that is located in the Cabezo Beaza Industrial Estate, between the headquarters of the Upper Group and the pavilion, and that was paved in December 2017 with a cost of 40,000 euros.

The orange training spokesman has considered "strange that they decide to invest 40,000 euros in a plot at the end of 2017 and still the government does not know what to do with it, when you spend a game like that, it is expected that you know what you are going to do" .

The Socialist spokeswoman, Obdulia Gómez, explained that this plot was asphalted due to complaints of accumulation of discharges, and because it was used for the exchange of products between transport companies.

The use for the site, according to Gómez, will be of occasional parking for the users of the sports hall and, in a complementary way, for recreational uses such as the practice of inline skating.

Obdulia Gómez has admitted that there is no item to undertake these works.

Electricity for Los Jarales

In the plenary session of the Perín Neighborhood Meeting in July, an MC motion was approved requesting the development and execution of an electrification project for the Rambla de los Jarales, where neighbors have been claiming the installation of the light supply for more than 11 years. .

On the occasion of this information, the orange training spokesman asked the Executive when he plans to initiate actions to provide the residents of the Rambla de los Jarales electricity supply.

The Government has recognized, after insisting Manuel Padín, that it has not initiated any action to resolve the situation.

Plan for the use of official social networks

In the plenary session last March, Ciudadanos presented a battery of questions in relation to the regulations that should govern the use of social networks and municipal websites, and the councilor for Security, Francisco Aznar, answered that there were a series of recommendations prepared by the CPD in 2016, but that it was his intention to bring to the Board of Government a more complete regulation of the matter.

The mayor Ana Rama has asked if she has finished writing the regulations that were "almost finalized according to Aznar in March of this year."

The socialist councilor, Francisco Aznar, explained that the draft of this regulation is finalized and that if it has been delayed it has been because the head of the CPD has made allegations;

It hopes that in September it can be approved.

Request of solar chargers

Finally, Citizens has submitted a request for the local Executive to study the possibility of installing free solar chargers for mobile phones, tablets and other devices, thus facilitating cartageneros and tourists can recharge their terminals in different public spaces of the municipality.

The Councilor for Citizens, Alfredo Nieto, explained that "in many Spanish cities, administrations make available to residents and tourists free recharge points for the various existing mobile devices, which cost around 2,000 euros per unit and they do not suppose additional expense because they are totally autonomous, and that in return they offer a service and a positive image of Cartagena for our neighbors and the visitors who arrive every year ".

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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