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The City Council is asking CARM for an increase in subsidies for summer schools for family reconciliation (28/08/2018)

The edile of Education, David Martinez, has asked the Regional Administration a greater amount in the grants received to carry out summer schools of family reconciliation in the municipality of Cartagena.

This activity costs the City of Cartagena in total 110,000 euros, of which only 28,254 euros come from the CARM.

These summer schools organized by the City of Cartagena, through the Department of Education, have hosted over the months of July and August more than 950 students whose parents work, with the aim of improving the reconciliation of work and family life of the neighbors of Cartagena.

The mayor of Education, Culture and Youth, David Martinez, visited on the morning of this Tuesday, August 28, two of the summer schools of the municipality.

Students of all ages of CEIP Concepción Arenal and CEIP Antonio Ulloa have shown the council the activities they carry out during the summer period.

The general director of Women and Equality, Alicia Barquero, also attended the visit.

Martinez, has pointed out that the City receives a grant of 28,000 euros from the CARM - through the Directorate General of Women and Equality and the European Social Fund - and that carrying out this activity in the municipality has a total cost of more of 110,000 euros: 56,000 euros in expenses to provide places for children and others, approximately, 55,000 euros in the menus that are served in the dining rooms.

Similarly, the mayor recalled that when seats were offered at the beginning of summer more than 1,000 children were on the waiting list and have not been able to access this service, "so we requested an increase in the subsidy we received from of the Regional Administration to be able to respond to these families next year. "

In addition, it is a totally free activity, is a zero expense for families, which encourages people to reconcile work and family life during the school holiday period.

These summer schools also offer the possibility of accessing the dining service for those parents whose working hours are longer and "to respond to those children who enjoyed the dining scholarship during the year, so they can continue doing so during the summer" , the mayor has added.

Finally, the mayor of Education explained that the selection process to give access to these summer schools "goes through the first requirement, which is the income of the parents and take into account if both members of the couple work."

Then a series of scales are taken into account, as if other brothers use the service, if it is a large family and the income they have, "because sometimes although both parents work the rent is not so high and it is a factor that we also have account, "said Martinez.

The activities have been carried out from 8 to 15 hours, from Monday to Friday, in 8 public schools of the municipality such as: CEIP Antonio de Ulloa, CEIP Azorín (Molinos Marfagones);

CEIP Concepción Arenal;

CEIP Mediterranean (La Manga);

CEIP San Ginés de la Jara;

CEIP San Isidoro (El Algar);

CEIP Vicente Medina (Los Dolores);

CEIP Luis Vives (The Albujón).

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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