Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


MC Cartagena will denounce the illegal dumping of rubble in the Rambla de Benipila as it passes through the Paraje de Los Segados (28/08/2018)

The Neighborhood Board of Los Molinos Marfagones celebrates its plenary session tonight, at its premises starting at nine o'clock, during which MC Cartagena will present a series of initiatives aimed at improving services and environmental quality for residents of Pozo los Palos, San Isidro and Los Segados.

In the same way, the cartagenerista formation will denounce the passivity shown by different administrations involved in the decision making regarding the illegal waste located in the Paraje de Los Segados.

Illegal and uncontrolled dump in the Paraje de Los Segados

In this sense, MC Cartagena vocal, Manuel Arce, will raise a motion to the House to transfer to the City Council the concern of this neighborhood with respect to the illegal dumping of rubble in the Rambla de Benipila on its way north through the aforementioned Paraje.

Thus, it will also request that the president of the Neighborhood Board and another component be authorized, if he wishes, to have access to the file for its knowledge and subsequent transfer to the rest of the members and neighbors.

The cartagenerista vowel has considered that "the uncontrolled and constant collection of solid waste, debris or substances of different nature constitutes or can constitute a danger of contamination of the waters and the degradation of their environment".

Similarly, Arce has highlighted the need for greater agility in terms of resolution by the three administrations, local, regional (Directorate General of Environment) and central (Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura), as well as the support of the own Neighborhood Board as the closest organ to the neighborhood.

Need for public services in Casas de La Rambla in Pozo de los Palos

On the other hand, MC Cartagena will propose, through its members, Manuel Arce and María Dolores Guillén, to improve various basic services for neighbors, as is the case of public lighting and access to the houses of La Rambla, in Pozo los Palos ;

tracks and spaces for housewives in the social premises of San Isidro;

or a plan of patching, conservation and maintenance of various roads of the territorial demarcation of the Neighborhood Board.

Finally, it will affect the current status of the connections of the potable water service to homes in the western zone.

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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