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Cs asks the Government to come out of its paralysis and explain its plans to improve the cleaning service in Cartagena (28/08/2018)

- "Thanks to the irresponsibility of MC and PSOE, the Municipal Institute of Coastal Services (IMSEL) was hastily suppressed, and although those parties told us that this circumstance was not going to harm our coastal populations, it was only make a simple move of municipal staff, the only truth is that the maintenance, monitoring, and cleaning on the coast has since suffered in an alarming way, and has had to hire a poor service with FCC that expires in December ", said the spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena

The Municipal Group of Citizens in Cartagena today sent a letter to the municipal government to answer if it has among its plans to advance the investments that the FCC company has requested and that are foreseen in the contract for the period 2020-2030 for the purchase of selective collection containers and almost thirty special vehicles, as reported today by the newspaper La Verdad.

The orange training also considers that it is imperative to make clear who is responsible for defraying the increase in personnel, "I think it is time to make this issue clear and that is why we have asked the municipal legal services today for a report that will take us out of doubts, "announced the orange training spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, who has asked the rest of the political groups for this type of positioning and decisions to comply with the legal and technical criteria set by our lawyers to avoid harmful and paralyzing controversies. that both the political formations like MC like so much. "" If the localistas continued to manage relations with the main companies operating in Cartagena, we would still not benefit from the reduction in the water bill, the Palacio de Deportes would not open this year, El Batel would have closed, the Sea of ​​Music would stop being celebrated, and we would all be buried under tons of bas

ura, because where they step on the grass does not grow, "said Manuel Padin who says that" this toxicity that expels the electoral interest of the populists is, along with the indifference of the regional government, one of the main evils that prevent growth today and the development of Cartagena. "

On the other hand, Manuel Padín has assured that "thanks to the irresponsibility of MC and PSOE, the Municipal Institute of Coastline Services (IMSEL) was suppressed, and although those parties told us that this circumstance was not going to harm our coastal populations, that it was only a simple move of municipal personnel, the only truth is that maintenance, surveillance, and cleaning on the coast has since suffered in an alarming way, and has had to contract a poor service with FCC that expires in December. "

The spokesperson of Cs has informed that he has also asked the Government in writing to clarify at once if he is going to take out a new tender for his award or if he plans to municipalize the cleaning service on the coast, and under what conditions.

Finally, the Cs spokesman recalled that on January 28 he requested that the opposition groups could attend and participate (even as guests) in the Lhicarsa Council held on February 5 for a meeting of special significance for the present and future development of the municipality's second largest municipal contract, "and we also officially claimed that if we could not be on the Council, an Extraordinary Spokesperson Meeting would be convened so that the mayor could inform all the groups of what it is happening, the report of anomalies in the infrastructure cleaning contract will be analyzed and the measures that are to be taken will be explained accordingly ".

Despite these demands, the municipal government has not reacted in any way, "only announced an insufficient and unfeasible crash plan with showers, according to statements of the concessionaire," Padín concludes.

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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