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MC Cartagena forces the Socialist Government to withdraw a flawed proposal on the Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents from the Finance and Interior Commission (27/08/2018)

The cartagenerista formation denounces that this organism has not been constituted, as the Executive of Castejón assures

This morning has been held in the administrative building of San Miguel, the Finance and Interior Commission, whose agenda included, as a second point, a proposal made by the mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, referred to the approval of the regulation of the Municipal Council of Childhood and Adolescence of the City of Cartagena, which has drawn the attention of the councilors present, as it intended to approve the regulations of the Council when it was not or formally constituted with all its members.

In this sense, the mayor of MC Cartagena, Francisco Calderón noted that "the micro socialist government, once again, has been in evidence to send us approve the rules of the Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents, which made reference to the 20 This body had been set up in December 2017 where there was a representative from each of the political groups, and we were surprised to see that we had not been called in. In fact, no political group had sent a representative. "

Calderón added that "what there was was a photo that was made by his mayor, which was published on December 21, where he said that the photo for me and appeared with the best of his smiles with UNICEF children. we did not call at all. "

In the same way, the mayor of Cartagena stressed that "the then Councilor of Social Services knew nothing, and myself, as head of the area of ​​Quality of Life, which covered the Department of Social Services, of course I had no record" .

Finally, Francisco Calderón has indicated that "now he asks us to vote on a tainted proposal from beginning to end, without a head or the other." Once again, Castejón, with his micro-government, wastes the time to the rest of the political groups, remember, we are 21 councilors ".

The proposal has finally been withdrawn, as Calderón has pointed out, "we have forced them to withdraw it because they have to recognize their ineptitude."

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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