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detail of Cartagena


Visit to the conciliation summer schools of the City of Cartagena (27/08/2018)

The Councilor for Culture, Education and Youth, David Martinez, will accompany on Tuesday, August 28, the general director of Women and Equality, Alicia Barquero, in his visit to summer schools of conciliation carried out by the City of Cartagena and that they have a grant from the regional administration and the European Union.

During the day will visit two of the 11 schools organized this year by the City Council in order to allow the reconciliation of work life of families and people during the holidays of their children.

The hearing will begin at 10:30 am at the Center for Early Childhood and Primary Education (CEIP) Concepción Arenal, located at number 16 of the Ronda de Ferrol, to continue with the CEIP Antonio Ulloa, at 68 Calle Enrique Martínez Muñoz.

The conciliation summer schools of the City of Cartagena develop a program of activities adapted to minors, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., from Monday to Friday, with part of its users receiving lunch scholarships.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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