Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The Local Police remove 300 tables and 95 chairs and seal two beach bars in the Plaza del Cavanna (23/08/2018)

Agents of the Local Police of Cartagena, following the instructions of the Department of Environmental Discipline of the City of Cartagena, intervened this morning with staff from the Department of Infrastructures in the area of ​​leisure facilities in the Plaza del Cavanna in La Manga, removing 300 chairs and 95 tables and sealing two chiringuitos also installed there.

The municipal action has been caused by neighborhood complaints of noise and environmental degradation, in addition to the danger presented by the use that was being given without license to a basement that was originally the access road to several garages.

The place, in which hundreds of young people were concentrated, represented a "mousetrap" in case of emergency, since it was accessed by three stairs, drank without authorized capacity and lacked security measures of any kind.

The clear risk of its use has led to the City of Cartagena to the removal of furniture and the seal of the two bars.

In the event that this space is again occupied illegally, the City Council will be forced to seal the premises to which the chairs and tables belonged, as they have been notified.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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