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Manuel Padín: "If we do not react soon, the historic center will continue to die until we reach a point of no return" (17/08/2018)

- Orange training requires the Government of the PSOE the call of the Board of Directors of Casco Antiguo to render accounts on the paralyzed works, explain the future of the municipal society and seek the necessary consensus to get the accounts forward and have access to aid and State transfers

Cartagena, Friday, August 17 -.

The Municipal Group of Citizens in Cartagena has registered this week a letter to the City Council to convene a new session of the Board of Directors of the Casco Antiguo Society as soon as possible in order to deal with, without prejudice to what may be included in the order of the day, the status of pending works and the next actions.

The Citizens spokesperson hopes that the president of Casco Antiguo, Francisco Aznar, will respond to this request and that meeting will serve to clarify to the political groups that did not vote in favor of the accounts, the viability of the society and its future to take forward the accounts and have access to state aid and transfers, "this society is a tool that can be beneficial, but it must increase its level of transparency and that of the execution of its projects".

"We also want to know more details about the possible sale of plots in the Morería Baja, the search for European and national investments, and what this reorientation of the activity is towards the promotion of development projects in neighborhoods such as San Antón or Santa Lucia, "explained Padín.

Works paralyzed and institutional silence

According to Manuel Padín, "the works of the Plaza del Monte Sacro continues to stop despite the fact that very recently, the Councilor for Infrastructure, Juan Pedro Torralba, publicly said that they would be finished after the summer, if in less than two weeks I see there a square with a green area and a waterfall will be an unprecedented urban landmark ".

The orange spokesman wants to know what happens with these works and has remembered that these works were paralyzed in the month of December when a Roman pool was found two thousand years ago that forced to date it, buried it and signaling its existence so that the project could continue , "Later a Roman wall was found, but from the Town Hall they said that that would not stop the work."

The orange training also wants to know how the works are going to rehabilitate the Monte Sacro mill, "a work that began at the end of June and whose execution period was a month and a half," Padin said.

Citizens also wants to clarify the development and the forecasts that are handled for the European MAPS project that promotes the regeneration of the Los Mateos neighborhood and the Castillo de los Moros, "it is assumed that in June the second phase where the projects that a third phase must develop through a master plan, Padin has indicated, which finds especially significant the institutional silence on the integral action plan for the Castle of the Moors and the possible complications, "for the abandonment of their environment and the existence of houses in an irregular situation, a situation that no local government has wanted to address ".

As for the University District, the orange spokesman does not believe that the new paving works can be completed by the end of summer as announced, "after the injection of two million euros to the municipal society, 370,000 euros were going to be allocated to this zone to correct part of the failures that existed in this urbanization built by Puerta Nueva, "recalls Padín.

The orange training also wants to know how the Government is planning the III edition of the University Campus of Archaeological Practices and Training "City of Cartagena" that will take place between September 1 and 16 and that will intervene in the upper terrace of Monte Sacro.

"If we add to this generalized paralysis, the delay to execute our proposals in the municipal budget to clean up the Plaza del Lago and redevelop Beatas Street, the refusal of the PP to economically endow the reform of the Central Cinema, and to value the solar annexes Aguirre Palace, the delay of the City Council to reform the Gisbert Market, the inability of the City Council to encourage owners to take care of abandoned lots and raise projects, we find a bleak panorama for a historic center of Cartagena that is dying and if not we react soon we will reach a point of no return ", laments Citizen spokesman.

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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