Portal de Cartagena


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The mayor presents the draft of the Plan for the Promotion of Commerce with five major axes and ten specific actions (16/08/2018)

The mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, presided over this Thursday, August 16, the Municipal Council of Commerce, where she presented, together with the Councilor for Trade, Carmen Martín del Amor, the draft of the Plan for the Dynamization of Commerce.

This text will work on 5 major axes and contains 10 specific actions that have been exposed to members of associations of merchants of the municipality and political groups that make up the Trade Tables.

Ana Belén Castejón has declared that this council has been convened urgently because some political groups expressed their discomfort after some information that appeared in some media and that warned that the policy that was going to follow the government in of commerce was summarized in distributing subsidies to associations.

The councilor has denied this information and has called on associations and groups to transfer the work that is being carried out in trade matters from the government team.

Specifically, Castejón has presented this Trade Promotion Plan, which will serve to order and have a better schedule of commercial activities that will take place in the municipality, with the aim of balancing this commercial activity.

The plan will be designed from the City of Cartagena with the technicians of the house and taking into account the proposals of the associations, so "a very rich document will come out," the first mayor said.

The mayor explained that this draft is going to be sent to the merchants' associations and that they will be called to the Technical Table of Commerce, where the plan and the contributions will be studied;

and a more elaborate document will be established.

Subsequently, this text will be sent to the political groups to carry out the amendments.

"I hope that the Trade Promotion Plan will be approved in October," said Castejón, adding that for this to be possible, another Municipal Council of Commerce will be convened by the end of September to present the result of the results. Work tables.


With the aim that small businesses can survive in the new competitive environments, five strategies have been set in the draft to define the general objectives and the fundamental courses of action.

The axes on which the draft of this new Plan for the Dynamization of Trade is based are the commercial urbanism;

the incorporation of ICT;

the formation;

associationism and institutional relations;

and promotion and communication.

The Commercial Urbanism strategy will allow actions in urban spaces to optimize the resources that exist in order to promote the commercial revitalization of streets and improve street furniture, commercial signage, as well as the system of cleaning and waste collection.

Likewise, the strategy of incorporating ICT into retail will increase their efficiency and productivity, so that the objectives are technological literacy;

promote the tools of help in the management and development of the business;

the implementation of ICT as a coordinating element of shopping centers and associations, as well as areas of commercial confluence;

and increase consumer confidence in the habitual use of commerce and electronic means of payment.

On the other hand, the strategy of Associationism and Institutional Relations aims to create synergies among businesses and promote actions for the common benefit of the associates and the prosperity of their businesses, so the objectives are to encourage the involvement of associates and promote fluency in internal communication between partners, associations and the City Council.

In addition, in order to respond to the training needs expressed by the traders, training courses will be adapted to the working days and hours of the traders and the staff employed.

Finally, the Promotion and Communication strategy has been established, which aims to promote among consumers the habit of buying in small businesses, encouraging responsible consumption;

promote the image of up-to-date traditional commerce;

and design an annual program of activities for Commercial Dynamization and promotion campaigns.


In addition to the strategies, the government team has set the draft Trade Promotion Plan, which after being amended, will constitute the roadmap for trade in Cartagena.

Some of these concrete proposals are the creation and promotion of the visual identity of the Cartagena retail trade;

the promotion of electronic sales;

campaigns to strengthen municipal markets;

continuing education program in commercial matters;

and the creation of the awards of the municipality of Cartagena to trade.

Other proposals will consist of the preparation of the "Cartagena Shopping Card", the "Cartagena Shopping City" campaign;

the planning of dynamization actions;

the strengthening of a technical consulting business office;

and the promotion of thematic exhibition activities.

The mayor has ended his speech stating that the government team "has done its homework" and has announced that if proposals are not received from the political groups, it will be understood that the "government proposal is welcomed with pleasure", has concluded.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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