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MC will demand the Government to regulate, together with neighbors and groups related to sustainable mobility, the use of new classes of vehicles in the streets of Cartagena (16/08/2018)

The training will propose to convene, as soon as possible, the Mobility Board for the modification of the Municipal Traffic Ordinance and the start-up of the 'Zones 30' in the Historic District

Given the great proliferation of new classes of vehicles through the streets of Cartagena, despite the possible sanctions faced by its users, residents and groups related to sustainable mobility have submitted numerous complaints to regulate their use.

Thus, the Municipal Ordinance of Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety of the City Council establishes, in its article 13.2, the prohibition, among others, of the use of any contraption with or without motor not authorized to circulate on public roads.

In this regard and in the face of numerous complaints, the councilor of the MC Cartagena municipal group, María José Soler, explained that "at the next plenary we will present a motion to demand that the government regulate, in collaboration with neighborhood and collective representatives, the use of This type of vehicle through the streets of the city. "

In the same way, the mayor has assured that "we will request that the current and obsolete Municipal Ordinance that regulates this matter be modified, for which we will urge that the Mobility Committee be convened, promoted by MC in June 2017, and that a draft on the reform of said norm, which will be processed in the Governing Board for its subsequent final approval by the Plenary. "

The proposal of MC Cartagena will also include the implementation of the so-called 'Zones 30' throughout the Historic District, installing the signage acquired for this purpose last year.

Lack of regulation by the socialist Executive

Soler recalled that the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) leaves in the hands of municipalities the regulation of these new 'personal vehicles';

and that the aforementioned article leaves open the path of regulatory development, through the Decree of the Mayor's Office or the modification of said Ordinance.

"Despite this, nothing has been done so far on this matter."

It should be remembered that other cities, such as Barcelona, ​​have been put to work and have already adopted a regulation appropriate to the times, articulating a harmony between pedestrians, cars, bicycles and this new type of vehicles with or without motor

Urgency in the modification of the current Ordinance

Inciding on this aspect, María José Soler stressed that "from MC we understand that a modification of the current Ordinance, updating the document and adapting it to the social reality, is something urgent." Meeting this social demand must be a priority, something that does not seem share the socialist government, which announced in March 'that I was in it' ".

The mayor of Cartagena has continued stating that "we consider this proposal as a perfect complement to the Action Plan for Environmental Recovery that we launched from the Sustainable Development Area with the so-called 'M17' and the 'V18'".

"The current government has it even easier thanks to the amendment of two hundred thousand euros that we introduced for this purpose in the municipal budget of 2018."

All of this, concluded Soler, "with the aim that pedestrians and users of any type of vehicle have their space to circulate, respecting each other and achieving a harmony that distances any danger on the public roads of Cartagena".

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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