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Cs wants to know what plans the City Council has for a solar that asphalted for 40,000 euros in the Polígono Cabezo Beaza (14/08/2018)

- Cs Cartagena has also transferred to its Parliamentary Group in the Assembly the need to request explanations from the regional government for the 1.4 million euros reserved in the 2018 regional budgets for improvements in the industrial estates, "neither Camachos nor Cabezo Beaza have received nothing with charge to this game ", maintains the local spokesman of the formation orange

Citizens will ask at the next ordinary plenary for the use that the PSOE Government plans to give to a plot of about 4,000 square meters that is located in the Cabezo Beaza Industrial Estate, between the headquarters of the Upper Group and the pavilion, and that was paved in December 2017 with a cost of 40,000 euros.

The spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, met today with the board of directors of the Business Association of Cabezo Beaza de Cartagena (Aecab) at its headquarters to analyze the situation in this industrial complex, collect their demands, and know your next goals.

The meeting was attended by the president of Aecab, Francisco Bernal, the secretary of the Board of Directors, Ángel Lorente and an external adviser, José Antonio García.

During the meeting, the businessmen expressed their surprise at the situation of this plot attached to their headquarters and have reported to ignore the plans of the Consistory that, from one day to another, accentuated the land and placed large rocks in its perimeter to prevent the step of the vehicles that used to use it as improvised parking.

The spokesman of the orange training considers "strange that they decide to invest 40,000 euros in a plot at the end of 2017 and still the Government does not know what to do with it;

When you spend a game like that, it's expected that you know what you're going to do. "

Manuel Padín has reported that "the only thing we know is that it was considered to complement the facilities of the sports pavilion where skate hockey teams carry out their activities".

On the other hand, the employers of the Polygon have denied that they want to ask the City Council to enable this land to be a parking deterrent.

The orange spokesman also was interested to know if this polygon has received any help with charge to the game of 1.4 million euros that is reserved in the regional budget for improvements in the industrial estates of the Region of Murcia, "we have been told not have seen a euro since the accounts were approved, so we are going to propose to our colleagues in the Assembly to ask the PP regional government how it is going to distribute this game and in what concepts, "said Manuel Padín who has also been able to know that "the Camachos Polygon has not reached any project on account of this reserve."

On the other hand, the orange training has been able to know that although the level of occupancy in the business buildings in Cabezo Beaza is close to 100%, they do not plan to reactivate the expansion plans that were proposed more than a decade ago.

The businessmen are satisfied with their relationship with the City Council in the maintenance tasks, although they affirmed that it is necessary to repaint some of the road signs, increase the cleaning tasks and fix some damages in the vertical signs;

In spite of these small demands, they understand that there are areas with more priority in the center of Cartagena and in neighborhoods and councils.

One of the main topics discussed during the meeting was the concern about how they can be affected by the Business Acceleration Law that will be presented in September at the Regional Assembly.

The polygon employers fear that there may be a decline in benefits and the level of management they have achieved over the years.

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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