Portal de Cartagena


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Culture will restore the size of the Virgin of the Loneliness of the Poor of the Marraja de Cartagena Brotherhood (13/08/2018)

The Ministry of Tourism and Culture will restore during the next months the size of the Blessed Virgin of the Solitude of the Poor, titular image of the group of the same name of the Marraja de Cartagena Brotherhood that was made in 1959 by Juan González Moreno.

The Director General of Cultural Heritage, Juan Antonio Lorca, recently made a visit accompanied by technicians of the Ministry to assess the status of the sculpture and announced that "soon be moved to the Center for Restoration of the Region of Murcia to be intervened and recover its polychrome and all its beauty, so that Cartagena and all those who visit the city during Holy Week can enjoy it in processions that we must remember that are declared of International Tourist Interest ".

The size of the Virgin of the Loneliness of the Poor, recalled Lorca, "is one of the most important works of González Moreno and a magnificent example of the quality of imagery in our region, of sizes by which, from the Center of Restoration, is constantly watched so that they remain in the best conditions of conservation ".

This image incorporates the two great trends of Spanish imagery of the twentieth century: on the one hand, the tradition of Baroque sculpture and, on the other, the new aesthetic plastic and visual contemporary art.

In the Restoration Center, the image will be subjected to an intense cleaning process and different interventions to solve especially the problems of loss and alteration of the polychrome.

These are damages caused mainly by the manipulation of the image, which do not have a special gravity, although the sculpture will be studied in depth in the center to rule out any other pathology.

Source: CARM

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