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MC Cartagena will demand the implementation of a global asphalt plan for El Bohío, Los Dolores and Hispanoamérica (13/08/2018)

The training Cartagena will present two motions during the plenary session of the Neighborhood Board of Los Dolores in order to address this problem and the connections of the water network to homes

MC Cartagena will present this afternoon during the celebration of the Plenary Session of the Neighborhood Board of Los Dolores two initiatives aimed at improving important services such as the implementation of an asphalt plan and the connections of the water network to homes.

Thus, the vocalist of the Cartagena formation, Rafael Rodríguez, will demand the urgent order of drafting a global asphalt project of at least 150,000 euros for the neighborhoods of El Bohío, Los Dolores and Hispano-America with a charge to the casualties that have been obtained from the different tenders in Contracting.

In this way, MC denounces, once again, the lack of attention of the local government and the CARM to the thirty thousand residents of the aforementioned towns, since this problem has not been considered nor in the distribution of the different investment plans that the councilor socialist Juan Pedro Torralba has managed as surplus of 2017 or in the Neighborhood Plan of the Autonomous Community.

On the other hand, Rafal Rodríguez will request the technical reports to Hidrogea demanding the City Council to prepare an inventory of homes and users affected by the water service connections with materials such as lead.

All this due to the recent letter sent by the water concessionaire to the neighbors in which they were urged to contact the same to know the type of materials used in the connection of the service to their respective homes.

Control questions about the Government

Finally, MC will present a series of control questions about the Government of the Neighborhood Board of Los Dolores.

These issues will be focused on safety in the Camino del Sifón in its connection with the Casas del Retiro and in the content of the details of the lighting project.

Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena

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