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Social Services reduces the waiting time to be attended from more than 2 weeks to an average of 24 minutes (10/08/2018)

The Department of Social Services, which runs the mayor Ana Belén Castejón, has managed to reduce the waiting time to be served by a social worker between 2 and 5 weeks to an average of 24 minutes.

This important reduction has been achieved thanks to the creation of Access Point to Social Services (PASS), which was born with the priority objective of regulating the Prior Appointment in a rational manner, to serve in the shortest possible time the citizens who require attention in Social Services.

There are several programs and units with which the Department of Social Services has, but it is through the social worker of reference in their area, the so-called Social Work Units (UTS) where the first assessment, information, guidance and assessment is made of the problem.

After this study of the problem, it is that professional who maintains the intervention with the person / family, or the derivative to another more specialized service or jointly, a work or action plan is made.

"We are immersed in a stage of continuous review that will continue to provide us with improvements in other services we provide to citizens from the municipal social services.

The annual review of the PASS has been analyzed from different perspectives that have provided us with a very true vision, and in turn, it has helped us to propose recommendations and new improvements, "said the mayor.

The analysis has been based on:

The review of the procedures used with PASS professionals.

The PASS team consists of two social workers and an administrative assistant.

Although there is a rotation process, by which the different social workers also support on certain days.

It is intended to be a service where all professionals can support at a given time with the appropriate training.

Data of the computer application of Prior Appointment.

Data of the computer application Q'matic that is the dispenser of the numbers (to know days, hours and moments of greater presence).

Opinions made by PASS professionals.

Opinions made by professionals who have collaborated when making substitutions for PASS professionals.

Opinions of citizens who access Social Services through the PASS, collected through a survey.

It is a participatory process, where the assessment and contributions of professionals and citizens who come to the service.

In addition to using through the programs of prior appointment and others, a data exploitation, which helps us to identify certain characteristics of the demand, detected needs and emergencies, etc.

Social services have acquired a very important role in the life of citizens, in neighborhoods, in the development of people and in the fight against situations of exclusion.

The City Council has reinforced the services and increased the staff so that the response to the citizen is optimal.

"On issues related to social policy, there is no room for immobility.

People need a quick and agile response, which is why this work model, which has already aroused the interest of other municipalities in the Region, is a good indicator that this government team is on the right path, with the challenge of continuing to advance ", The mayor has concluded.


In the analyzed period (almost 10 months), from May 2017 to February 2018, a total of 11,962 attendances have been provided from the PASS, corresponding to 7,063 people, who have come one or more times.

The average number of visits per month is 1,196 users.

54.66% of the attentions made correspond to people living in the area covered by the Municipal Social Services Center of Cartagena 1. If we consider the distribution by UTS, the UTS 3 (El Ensanche), UTS stands out for the volume of attentions 4 (Santa Lucia) and UTS 8 (Barrio Peral), followed with some difference UTS 12 (Mediterranean Urbanization) and UTS 11 (San Antón).

Those that less attention have received in this period are the UTS 2 (Historical Center), UTS 5 (The Algar) and UTS 15 (the Alameda).

34.2% of attentions are in person and 64.5% are telephone calls.

The remaining 1.3% corresponds to the testing period and therefore is not significant.

The average daily attendance is 35, reaching the maximum of 64.

78% of the sample of people interviewed for their assessment consider it as normal, good or very good, a score that puts the PASS with a good level of attention.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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