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Cs Cartagena welcomes the approval of its six motions in the regular Plenum of September (28/09/2017)

- The orange formation has gotten the Government of Cartagena to undertake a road safety plan to improve road markings, vertical signs and badenes in the municipality, to study tax credits for those homes that invest in renewable energy, adhesion of Cartagena to the Strategy for Health Promotion and Prevention of the National Health System, to request the Autonomous Community to develop a multi-year investment plan to include Cartagena in the European network of bicycle routes, to submit to the Council of Commerce a proposal for promote local urban artists embellish commercial blinds and free spaces, and finally, that the City Council take all necessary actions to prevent the penetration of farmland on the roads of the municipality.

Cartagena, Thursday, September 28.

The Municipal Group of Citizens in Cartagena has presented in the ordinary plenary of today up to 11 initiatives, between questions and motions.


Road safety plan

The Citizens' Group today presented a unanimously approved motion for the Government to design a preliminary study of visibility and safety of the pedestrian crossings of the municipality, as well as the state of vertical signage.

The Cs initiative also includes an impact study of the installation of speed bumps to reduce speed in the municipality, starting from an inventory of existing ones.

The text of the orange training motion states that once the studies have been carried out, and based on the results, a plan should be developed for the optimization of road signs and vertical signs, with a view to improving night visibility , especially in interurban areas.

In addition, in terms of speed bumps, the results of the study will focus on the formulation of a municipal ordinance for speed reducers in accordance with current regulations in this area.

On the other hand, Cs Cartagena spokesman, Manuel Padín, has called for increased outreach campaigns to inform, educate and raise awareness among pedestrians and drivers of precaution and vigilance in circulation.

Tax rebates for housing that invest in renewable energy

The orange formation has also submitted a motion, supports with the vote of all parties except CTSSP-We can for the Government of Cartagena to study the inclusion in the corresponding tax ordinances of the allowances allowed by the Local Finance Regulatory Law for those owners who use systems of thermal or electric use of solar energy through facilities duly approved, either in the Real Estate Tax, or in the Tax on Construction, Facilities and Works.

Strategy for Health Promotion and Prevention of the National Health System

The Citizens spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, has defended the need for the City Council to initiate the procedures to request adherence to the Strategy for Health Promotion and Prevention of the National Health System.

This initiative, which has been approved with the vote in favor of PP and Cs and the abstention of the other parties, will mean, once the adhesion is obtained, that the City Council of Cartagena initiate and develop the constitution of an intersectoral coordination table in the municipality, and a system of identification of resources for the promotion of health and prevention in the municipality.

Cartagena in Eurovelo

Citizens also got the House unanimously to urge the Regional Assembly of Murcia to urge the Governing Council of the Region of Murcia to study and take into account the development of a Multi-Year Eurovelo Plan, to coordinate the investments and ensure that the standard services that are necessary for this initiative are carried out in Cartagena, with the participation of entrepreneurs and sectors involved.

Eurovelo is a European network of cycle routes, a project of the European Federation of Cyclists whose objective is the development of a network of long distance routes for cyclists to cross Europe.

With this proposal, Citizens intends that the City Council and the Assembly make a decisive commitment to policies aimed at supporting cyclotourism as a product to achieve a sustainable holiday model.

Urban art in Cartagena

The Plenary has agreed, on the proposal of Citizens, that a proposal for the study and subsequent elaboration of a joint project of recovery of the historical center through the decoration of free spaces outside of cataloging by artists urban areas.

As Cs Cartagena's spokesman explained, "in our group we consider the idea of ​​channeling urban art, the so-called" graffiti culture ", very interesting, avoiding its misuse and directing it towards a profitable way and thus contribute to increasing the value of our city as it has been done in other municipalities. "

Floods due to invasion of gutters

Citizens also got the local government to carry out as many actions as possible within the framework of their powers to: first, prevent the penetration of farmland on the roads of the municipality.

Secondly, to punish those owners of farms that do not comply with the regulations and invade the margins of the roads, creating the consequent risk for traffic.

On the other hand, in all cases in which the Executive does not have the necessary powers to carry out the prevention and sanction actions of the previous section, to urge the competent authorities to take the necessary actions.

The proposal was unanimously approved.

Manuel Padín has defended the need for this proposal to be put forward, "the bad practices of some landowners cause several sections of roads in our municipality to be flooded on rainy days, a situation that poses a serious risk to all those who circulate in these ways. "


Tasks in the Central Cinema

The mayor of the orange formation, Ana Rama, has asked for the state in which are the formalities and permits between the Autonomous Administration and the City of Cartagena in relation to the works that the Community plans to perform at the Central Cinema for cleaning , lighting and security.

Councilman responsible for Patrimonio, Ricardo Segado, has responded that the Community is breaching its investment commitments in the Central Cinema, and that only has arranged a line of 10,000 euros for cleaning.

According to Segado, during the next week it will be possible to grant municipal authorization to start those tasks.

Public sources

Councilwoman Ana Rama has once again asked in plenary for public sources in the municipality of Cartagena.

Specifically, the mayor has been interested in the date of the last inventory of sources and how many of them are currently in operation;

also wanted to know if drinking water sources had been incorporated into the new municipal structures, if a plan of measures and analysis of all these sources had been carried out, and whether a preventive maintenance program had been prepared and implemented municipal drinking water sources.

Councilor for Quality of Life and Consumption, Francisco Calderón, has reported that his department has been working on an updated inventory, and also on a health plan to control water quality through analysis.

Calderón has taken advantage of his intervention to denounce that the company Hidrogea is not assuming its obligation to maintain in good conditions these public sources and has revealed that the City council wants to municipalize this work.

On the other hand, Calderón has recognized that the number of sources in Cartagena is insufficient.

Goodwill Tax

Citizen spokesman Manuel Padín has asked about the number of resources that have been presented so far to review the settlement of the Tax on Increasing the Value of Land of Urban Nature, popularly known as City Tax.

Manuel Padín has also questioned the Government for the means and technical and human resources that it has made available to Cartagena to deal with these claims.

The Councilor for Finance, Isabel Garcia, explained that as they are self-assessments, it is the taxpayer's request for the review, which has so far been 159 claims, but none has been estimated so far because it is in a phase of expert investigation.

On the other hand, and as a result of the Citizens' request, a rigger and an architect have been added to expedite these procedures.

Food & Beverage

Finally, the Citizens Group has raised a battery of questions regarding the restoration project of Casa Rubio in El Algar.

Cs spokesman Manuel Padin has asked why nothing has been invested for the rehabilitation of Casa Rubio despite the promises launched at the beginning of the legislature, and what destiny has been given to the game of 30,000 euros which in the municipal accounts of 2016 were committed for real estate.

The Deputy Councilor for Culture, David Martínez, has replied that since October 2016, the Department of Decentralization is working together with the UPCT to design a comprehensive project to recover the property.

Martinez has indicated that the item of more than 30,000 euros will be invested in that study and has asked all political groups to help in the next regional budgets to reserve an investment to carry out the rehabilitation of Casa Rubio.

For his part, Manuel Padín, reminded the Councilor of Culture that Citizens has already presented an initiative in the Regional Assembly in this regard.

Illegal landfills

Before the uncontrolled illegal landfills in Cartagena, the Council of Citizens, Alfredo Nieto, has carried a battery of questions to control the work that is being carried out and will be carried out by the Government of Cartagena to curb the proliferation of these waste that come mostly in the construction sector.

The Councilor for Quality of Life and Health, Francisco Calderón, has ensured that the inspection work by the Local Police has intensified with the objective of identifying and punishing those responsible.

Calderón also acknowledged that they have not yet finished updating the ordinance that regulates and sanctions the discharges.

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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